Chap. 15 - The Shadow of Passana

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Rest is usually short-lived in a galaxy at war. Barely two days had passed since the events of Cyrkon and the 194th Legion was assigned to a new mission. One that seemed to be of importance, since Mace Windu himself was the one who informed Master Pablo, in a mysteriously private meeting.

Roy and the clone officers waited outside, somewhat surprised by so much secrecy. The Jedi were quite strange subjects in the eyes of many, even for their own Padawans who sometimes did not fully understand the actions of their masters.

Finally, the door to the conference room opened, from which a smiling Pablo appeared, but his smile had little to do with the worried expression in his eyes.

Pablo: - Gentlemen. We have something important to do. -

Roy: - What's wrong, teacher? -

Pablo: - Apparently there is suspicious Separatist activity on the planet of Passana. The council ordered us to go and find out what's going on. -

Hammer: - Passana? What planet is that? -

Tesla: - A desert planet in the Ombakond sector of the Expansion Region. Home planet of the Aki-aki. -

Hammer: - No idea. I never heard of him. -

Tesla: - It's not... A very exciting world to say the least. -

Tukk: - If they ordered us to move the entire legion it is because something big is happening. -

Pablo: - The reports indicate constant Separatist activity since several rotations. Why is unknown, but it is known that they are using a large amount of resources. -

Tukk: - Are they building something? Taking positions? -

Pablo: - The possibilities are high. If this is the case. We must reduce them before it is too late. -

There wasn't much more to say. A good soldier obeys orders, and the officers were ready to turn around and prepare the troops, but there were still some surprises.

Pablo: - Oh, and something else. General Voolvif Monn will catch up with us before reaching the sector. -

This news went over the heads of the clones, since only Tukk and Tesla had heard about him, but their information about it was quite scarce. Instead, Roy put on the best poker face he could. That's right.

As planned, the fleet made the jump into hyperspace to the rendezvous point, where two Venator battleships and several frigates were already waiting. It was the fleet under the command of General Monn, who was quick to appear at the command post of the Impoluto as soon as the fleets merged for the great operation that was to come.

All the high ranks came to meet him. Monn and Pablo themselves, Roy, Tukk, and the clone commander of the 381st assault battalion under General Monn. A clone they called Bartok.

Pablo: - General Monn, Commander

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Pablo: - General Monn, Commander. -

Monn: - General Pablo, Padawan Roy, commander. - A quick greeting.

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