Chap. 25 - It's not just numbers

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Hammer: - Loud and clear... General.

The captain's voice over the comm was an instant sign of relief to everyone present, some of whom were already beginning to think the worst.

Pablo: - I'm glad to hear it, captain. Everyone is fine? -

Hammer: - Yes. Lieutenant Roy and the boys are alive. Our shuttles appear to have been affected by the gravitational vacuum. Our thrusters are not responding, according to what the pilots inform me. -

Pablo: - Don't worry, captain. We will use tethers to take them back to the Venators. Hold on tight. -

This battle was undoubtedly a victory for the Republic. The planet of Ryloth was free from Separatist rule, and Separatist leader Wag Tambor had been taken prisoner. A great advance for the war without a doubt. However... The minds of some were extremely overwhelmed with thoughts.

Through the corridors of the Immaculate, Captain Hammer walked lost in thought, although he always greeted any crew member he passed along the way. His group had faced the most enemies in that battle, and the casualties were very painful... For some more than others.

Hammer did not know it at the time, but once he returned to the safety of the ship he was able to read the reports of the rest of the battle. Roy didn't even want to talk to the rest, and retired to his cabin as soon as he could. Hammer thought at the time that it was simply the Padawan's tantrum for leaving him behind. But the reports gave him a heartbreaking answer as to why he did so.

In the assault, Hammer was inside a shuttle, receiving reports of dozens of downed transports incessantly. But not Roy. Roy was in the front row doing everything possible to protect his people. And in turn, he witnessed a tragedy that Hammer had not known about until he read the reports.

The shuttle carrying Lieutenant Tesla was hit by a shot from a Vulture fighter, exploding instantly. The young padawan saw it with his own eyes, and negative impulses took over his being. The loss of a friend was too painful, and that was the reason why Roy launched himself head-on, alone, against the endless swarm of droid fighters that approached him.they don't care.

That was a reckless act. Stupid. But that explained why Roy was so out of it.if when the rest of the clones finally arrived at the hangars. ¨How many men did we lose?¨ That question from the Padawan was now spinning around in the captain's mind without leaving

Maybe he was too hard on him. Whether it was due to ignorance or not. Hammer suffered the loss of Tesla alone in his cabin after hearing the news, but Roy had to suffer the same loss on the battlefield. Fighting and giving the best ofyes for resist the pain and do what was necessary to save as many of his brothers as possible.

Hammer didn't know if he was right or wrong, but he knew he needed to apologize to Roy somehow. For that same reason he was heading to the Padawan's cabin, and was about to knock on the door to announce his arrival, but the words that came from inside seemed very curious to him, andfurther Rather than interrupt, he preferred to listen.

Pablo: - (...) Can I know what you were thinking about? That was stupid and reckless on your part. Nocan going head-on against such a large number of opponents just out of pride. That is not the way of a Jedi. -

Roy: - It wasn't because of teacher pride. It wasn't for any of that. I just did what I thought was right. I just wanted to help as much as I could. -

Pablo: - And everything for what? You almost got yourself killed back there. You must thank the force that that body of yoursit is made of metal, or those shots you received would have killed you for sure. -

Roy: - But they didn't.

Pablo: - Could you hear yourself!? - His tone of voice rose a little. - You are a reckless person who is not responsible for his actions! -

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