Chap. 27 - Change of Plans

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Pilot: - Hold on tight! -

The scream of the pilot of the shuttle where Roy and his menshook communications, like the hundreds of voices that accompanied the macabre melody begging for help. The shuttles were shot down one by one by the Geonosis's powerful anti-aircraft defenses, and many had the misfortune of not being able to set foot on the sandy soil of the surface as their transports exploded in the skies under constant enemy suppression. Or maybe... Those were the luckiest ones.

The shuttle on which Roy was was soon hit by a powerful blaster volley, which hit just to the right side of the transport, killing the gunner located in the laser cannon on that side and destroying one of the two main engines of the transport. the LAAT/i.

Without one of its thrusters, it was impossible for the pilot to maintain the transport's course, forcing it to land as soon as possible, although it would not be pleasant at all considering the dozen rock formations in the area.

Pilot: - We're going to crash! -

Roy: - Hold on! -

And just as the pilot had said, the Padawan's shuttle disappeared like many others into the rugged rock formations of Geonosis. The communication channels were jammed with messages, but none of those who had fallen on those cliffs showed signs of life.

Hammer: - Roy... Do you receive me? Lieutenant Roy? - He was trying to communicate with the padawan, but there was no response.

Collin: - Do you think they survived? -

Hammer: - Commander... We must return and help our people. -

Both Sergeant Collin and Captain Hammer were on the same shuttle, both worriedly watching the silhouette of their commander in an image from their holoprojector.

Tukk: - Negative... We must continue advancing to the landing zone. -

Hammer: - But sir... -

Tukk: - No but captain. If we stop now we will only become easy prey for those anti-aircraft guns. We must move forward no matter what happens. -

Hammer: - Yes... Yes sir. -

The commander was right, regardless of the fury of his words. If they stopped now they would lose many more transports and men. Hammer could do nothing but swallow the bitter mouth and move on. This was war after all.

However, luck still seemed to smile on those who thought they had fallen. Roy's shuttle had hit the rocky ground, sliding abruptly until hitting a rock wall that stopped the ship in its tracks. Smoke came from its only functional engine, which emitted its last bursts of energy until it went out permanently. A few seconds of eerie silence, until the blade of a lightsaber pierced the metal that made up the shuttle door.

Roy had survived the crash landing along with Nine and eight of his men. Unfortunately, several of the clones that were with them inside the shuttle could not make it, as well as the pilot and the other gunner of the shuttle, who died after the impact against the rocks. Other lives claimed by this war. But they couldn't grieve their deaths at that moment.

Roy: - Any luck with the signal? -

Nine: - Negative. It seems we are under the effect of a jamming device. Our long and short range communications are being interfered with. -

Roy: - We have no choice then. We must try to reach the landing zone at any cost. -

Clone: ​​- Wait... Are you really planning to advance through those caverns? There are only nine of us. -

One of the oldest clones did not hesitate to express his fears. They could notblame him, as well as the other clones who had already experienced how macabre the Geonosis war could be. Being afraid of death is something as natural as breathing but... Given the lack of options, there was not much they could do about it.

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