Chap. 20 - Traces of the Past

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It wasn't going to be easy. That was something Paul knew very well. Maybe Master Yoda's words could ease his doubts and curiosity, but the fear of facing his padawan was something that scared the ongree. What could he say to her? What did he and all those nonsense feel like? What did his pain mean? Of course not. Pablo was incapable of understanding Roy's pain and he himself knew it. Still, he had to do it. Because that was his duty.


The door to Roy's room rang softly at the teacher's doubtful knuckles, and his voice was no louder than the knocks either.

Pablo: - Roy? Are you there? -

Roy: - Ah, teacher. Forward. -His voice was heard from inside, but it sounded too cheerful for someone who was supposedly depressed.

The ongree pressed on the panel on the side and the door opened, revealing the very enthusiastic Padawan doing push-ups, albeit in his temple robes.

Roy: - How are the boys? I heard we lost some good men at Passana. He-he commented as if he wanted to avoid a not very pleasant conversation.

Pablo: - Eh... Yes. You're right. We lost good men... Like all wars. But...the clones are fine. -

Roy: - Isn't it uncomfortable for you to say that? - The question took the ongree by surprise.

Pablo: - Say what? -

Roy: - "Clones." I don't know. I don't like calling them that. -

Pablo: - But... That's what they are. What else could you call them? -

Roy: - Men. -

It was an accurate answer, and somewhat confusing, but its meaning was quite clear. So much so that Pablo himself couldn't help but smile slightly when he heard it, especially because the Padawan hadn't stopped doing push-ups since he entered his room. It would be a shame to spoil such a pleasant atmosphere with such an unpleasant topic, but that was something that could not continue to be extended.

Pablo: - Roy... we have to talk. -

Upon hearing those words, Roy stopped in half a lizard, as if his mind had gone blank. The Padawan didn't really want to have that conversation, but he understood that he could no longer hide his true nature from him. At least not from his teacher because, after all, he already knew the truth.

Roy stood up, and despite the exercise, he did not have a single drop of sweat on his hands or face, nor was he agitated, nor was his breathing irregular, which caused great doubt in the ongree.

Pablo: - I don't want to sound rude but... Why exercise? I mean... -

Roy: - Why does a cyborg need to exercise? -He asked somewhat ironically.

Pablo: - Yes. He didn't mean to be so rude. -

Roy: - Okay. I guess it's not normal to see something like that very often. -

The Padawan sighed deeply before taking a few steps and sitting on his bed. He did his best to get out of that situation without having to give many details, but when he saw his master sit in a chair in front of a desk to study, he understood that That was going to be a long talk from which I couldn't escape. It made him feel...uncomfortable.

Roy: - Let's say that... the prosthetics I use are somewhat... strong for my body... Well... for what's left of it. -

Pablo: - Strong? How strong? Aren't prosthetics supposed to fit the patient? How did the doctors allow something like that? What irresponsibility. -

Roy: - Eh...Not exactly... Let's say it was... a request of mine. -

Pablo: - What is your request? -

Roy: - Let's say that the ones they originally gave me didn't... respond the way I wanted. My body itself is a prototype. And it is somewhat aggressive with the user. That's why I must constantly exercise my remaining muscles, or they will simply... disengage... To put it in a not very grotesque way. But hey! They give very good results! -

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