Chap. 1 - The First Encounter.

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Year 22 BBY. A droid army has attacked the planet of Gala, and its residents, once isolated and secretive, have called on the Republic and the Jedi Order for help. It had been years since an alien had set foot on the lands of such a distant planet, the visit of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi being a "necessary evil," to end the corruption that plagued their planet.

After the establishment of a democratic system, Gala never again saw the need for a Jedi to come to her forested land, and never thought of needing one. But in the face of the Separatist invasion, they had no choice but to call for help. A call that the Republic answered, sending the 194th Clone Legion, commanded by Jedi General Pablo-Jill, a singular Ongree who reached the rank of Jedi Knight, and was a mystery to the rest of the order's members.

 A call that the Republic answered, sending the 194th Clone Legion, commanded by Jedi General Pablo-Jill, a singular Ongree who reached the rank of Jedi Knight, and was a mystery to the rest of the order's members

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The first three days, the 194th fleet engaged the Separatist navy, which had mounted a blockade on the planet's orbit. It was more than 72 hours of arduous battles, where the Venators constantly exchanged fire against the Munificent frigates. Finally, the Republic fleet managed to open a gap in the enemy's defense, which they took advantage of to initiate a quick landing on the plains to the south of the planet. A large strip of land, far removed from most of the Separatist forces that had occupied the planet.

Thousands of clones descended on the Laat/i shuttles, accompanied by hundreds of AT-TE tanks, the clones' favorites.

These huge, six-legged mechanical beasts had a powerful laser cannon on top that provided good firepower to take on Separatist AAT tanks

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These huge, six-legged mechanical beasts had a powerful laser cannon on top that provided good firepower to take on Separatist AAT tanks. And with their four secondary guns they had a presence on the battlefield that could not be ignored.

Facing the large clone army that was advancing unbridled towards the capital city of Gala was Pablo-Jill. If something characterized him, it was courage and honor, since his extremely straight character did not allow hesitation. If it was necessary to take a step forward, he would be the first. If it was necessary to capture an enemy fortress, é; would be the first to arrive. If he had to sacrifice himself for the greater good, he would be the first to die.

And there he was, the first of all, at the head of a large clone army, still baptized with their classic white face 1 armor. All the same, except for the officers who had marks to be recognized. Like a white tide rolling over the legions of B1 droids that flooded the battlefield. The droids weren't very smart, since their model was simple and depended on the orders of the Lucrehulk ship that orbited the atmosphere, but there were millions of them.

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