Chap. 5 - Determination.

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Despite the heavy blow the droid army suffered from the loss of their shield and the capture of their general by General Obi-Wan Kenobi, many sectors of Chiristoper still had a strong Separatist presence. Many did not know how the chains of command of the droid army worked, including Kenobi, who could not understand why the droids were still active despite having captured the enemy general and destroyed the Luckrehulk ship orbiting the planet. Of course, this was the first time the B1s were used, which had "autonomy" and could continue to operate despite all those losses. Of course, they were also unaware of the existence of a new model of droid, the T-series tactical droid, whose functions were not yet fully known to Republic forces, including the ability to remove their superiors and assume command. of the forces. This was one of those cases.

Kenobi: - General Pablo-Jill. I'm very glad to see you. -

At one point in the center of the city, a makeshift barracks had been set up to function as the Republic's operations center, where General Kenobi and Pablo met to organize the attack.

Pablo: - The pleasure is all mine general. -

Kenobi: - I heard that now you have a new apprentice. I'd say it's quite a surprise, but I've had enough for today. -

Pablo:-You found out that his old Padawan, General Skywalker, had been assigned a new apprentice. It was quite a surprise really. He thought he wasn't ready yet. -

Kenobi: - That, my friend, is something that I don't know for sure. He said with a mocking curl.

Pablo: - Well... Let's go back to what's important. What is happening up front? He-He said as they approached the holomap table.

Kenobi: - My forces of the 212 established a perimeter along sectors two, three and four. His troops from the 194th are pressing from the east. Still, the scouts report a huge droid concentration north of the city. -

Pablo: - I thought he had captured the enemy general. -

Kanobi: - Indeed. But we do not know who could act as a substitute on the enemy side. Not even the Separatist general himself knows what's going on... or at least that was the impression his face gave me when I asked him. -

Paul: - Hmm. I don't know what to say. What do you think? He's had more run-ins with droids than the rest of us. -

Kenobi: - I haven't seen this before. The battle on Naboo was very different... and on Geonosis we didn't have time to analyze all the enemy forces. -

Pablo: - Well... Let's leave some reservations in case something unexpected happens. Let my Padawan handle the advance. -

Kenobi: - Your Padawan?... I see you trust him. -

Pablo: - As a warrior... yes... As a Jedi... he has a lot to learn. -

Kenobi only tilted his head slightly as he stroked his chin with his right hand. It amused him to think that this strange Jedi would trust someone as young as a Padawan. He now he was curious to see with his own eyes the individual in question.

On the other side of the battle, the 194th was advancing steadily from the east toward the north-central part of the city, where the main forces of the 212th were located. While they swept away the enemies, they met up with the rest of the forces, until most of the battalion was reunited in a united front. By this time, they had reunited with their commander and Captain Hammer delegated command.

No one was particularly surprised, except for young Roy, who remembered with amusement Hammer telling him that he and the major were too alike. The commander was always in front of everyone. He was the first to fire, the first to advance, the first to leave cover. They weren't so much that he thoughtlessly plunged to his death. He planned each movement with surgical precision, mostly charging with a few men so that the rest of the battalion, led by Hammer, hit the enemy forces from the flank, hence the reason why his friends called him "hammer". ."

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