S5 Finale: Why Were We Here?

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The Warthog cruises across the field as the Reds are searching for Caboose.

Simmons: Hey Caboooose.

Grif: Caboooose.

Simmons: Come out so I can shoot you ya fuckstick!

Grif: Where did Caboose go?

Sarge: I don't see him. Caboose!

Simmons: Come out Caboose, all we wanna do is shoot you!

Hiding behind a rock, Caboose reassures himself.

Caboose: Don't listen to them, it's a trick!

The Warthog's radio starts picking up the Blues.

Tex:(over radio) This is Freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel.

Church(over radio) This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel.

Grif: Why are the Blues on the radio?

Simmons: Who knows? (radio turns on) Hey Blues, shut the fuck up! Get off our radios and quit running our batteries down!

O'Malley shoots in to Simmons' open radio frequency.

O'Malley: Do it now, or I will kill every last one of you! And then everyone else here as well! Just to prove a point! Mahahahahahahaha!

Grif: Whoa Simmons, hey. Don't you think that was a little over the top?

O'Malley: Suck it you fool!

Sarge: And what's wrong with your voice?

O'Malley: Nothing! Why does something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe something's wrong with your voice! Ever think about that, cocksucker?!

Grif: Um, you do know that's Sarge you're talking to, right?

Simmons: I mean cocksucker, sir!

O'Malley: Muahaha, hahaha.


Back with the developing situation with the Blues. As Tex starts broadcasting on her radio she shoots the remaining Wyoming, killing him.

Church: This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel.

Tex: What are you doing?

Church: I'm making you harder to find. Tucker! Turn on your radio!

After witnessing him get shot, Tucker had run to Rayner's side. Rayner, still kneeling, is holding on to his wound.

Tucker: Fuhuck that! If O'Malley gets me he'll get the sword. Rayner, dude, are you alright?

Rayner: *cough* ugh... Yeah, I-I'll be fine... hugh... don't worry, this much won't, won't be enough to put me down.

Church: Attention all Blues! Turn on your radio and start broadcasting right now!

Caboose(over radio) Okay, I'm on the radio too now! This is fun! What do you want to talk about?

Church: Well, he can't find you now, Tex.

Tex: Don't get involved Church. Omega wants me, he can have me.

Church: Why, so you can kidnap Tucker's kid? And enslave an entire race?

Tucker: Yeah what's up with that? I knew you were a bitch, but I didn't think you'd stoop low enough to kill your fucking friends!

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