Points of Origin

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Tex, together with Church, Rayner, Tucker, and Caboose, is standing outside Blue Base.

Tex: As far as I'm concerned, I'm square with you.

Caboose, Rayner and Tucker simultaneously turn to face Church.

Church: I saved you from a life of imprisonment. How the hell are you square with me?

Caboose, Rayner and Tucker simultaneously turn to Tex.

Tex: Because I didn't kill you back at Sidewinder.

Caboose, Rayner and Tucker turn back to Church.

Church: You know, I don't really see how not killing somebody is the same thing as doing them a favor.

Caboose, Rayner and Tucker turn to Tex.

Tex: Well, if you don't appreciate it, I could just kill you right now.

Church: No, you can't! I'm already dead, bitch! I guess the joke's on you!

Caboose: Stop it! Stop fighting. Can't you see that you're tearing us apart? WHAT ABOUT US?

Tex: What about you?

Caboose: We helped you too. And what do we get? Nothing!

Tex: Well yeah, but...

Church: Yeah, but nothin'. He's got a point.

Tex: I did help them get the flag back.

Tucker: Yeah, but you were paid to do that. We rescued you as a favor.

Rayner: Uhuh, as soon as our flag was back our contract was pretty much finished. It would've been more efficient to not waste more resources to save you just so you can leave us.

Tex: Fine, I'll stay here as long as it takes to help you guys win this thing. As soon as I have, I'm outta here. What do you need me to do?

Tucker: I have no idea. If you knew how to fix a tank, I would have you do that.

Tex: ...Okay.

Caboose: Wait, you-you know how to fix Sheila? ...I love you.

Rayner: I'll help. Let me go get my tools. [walks inside the Base]

Cut to Lopez.

Lopez: Entonces le decía "tu no pesas más, yo peso más." Entonces pusimos nuestros cuerpos sobre la escala y determinamos quién tenía el peso más grande. Después de eso me llamé a mi mismo Lopez La Pesado.(Then I would say "you don't weigh more, I weigh more." So we put our bodies on the scale and determined who had the greatest weight. After that I called myself Lopez the Heavy.)

Grif: Man. First he doesn't talk at all, and now we can't get him to shut up. What's he saying?

Simmons: What're you asking me for?

Grif: Well, you know, because you're of, uh, a Latino persuasion.

Simmons: Simmons isn't a Spanish name, you dumbass. I'm Dutch-Irish.

Grif: But I thought-

Simmons: What?

Grif: Eh, never mind.

Donut: ...I'm from Iowa.

Grif and Simmons: Nobody cares!

Cut to Tucker and Caboose sneaking up behind Sheila.

Church: Okay, take it easy guys. When I was over at the Red Base, I saw that they've already got their jeep fixed. So whatever you do, don't let 'em see us before we get Sheila back online.

Red vs Blue : Mirage حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن