Chapter Forty-Six: Avalyn

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By the time Sophie and I parted ways, Aren was already fast asleep, completely unaware of the night's events. Shortly after, I too succumbed to exhaustion, drifting off into slumber, the remnants of the evening's activities and the lingering effects of the drugs in my system lulling me into a deep sleep.

As morning breaks, I find myself unable to move, trapped in the limbo between sleep and wakefulness. It's only when I sense Aren shifting beside me that I rouse slightly. Rolling over, I meet his gaze, his eyes already focused on me with a sleepy warmth. "Good morning, sweet girl," he murmurs softly, brushing the hair away from my eyes with gentle tenderness.

I offer him a shy smile, feeling a flutter of excitement in his presence. "Why are you sitting up? Lay back down," I say playfully, reaching out to grab his wrist and giving him a gentle tug, urging him to return to the comfort of the bed.

He chuckles softly, shaking his head at my playful insistence. "Idalia asked me to run errands with her. She also mentioned I need a cellphone, so we were planning to go get one," he explains. "But I can tell her no if you'd like. I'll stay here with you." His offer is laced with sincerity, leaving the choice in my hands.

Dropping his wrist, I pull the blanket higher, cocooning myself in its warmth. "No, no," I mutter softly. "Go spend time with your sister. I'll probably sleep some more." I offer a sleepy smile, reassuring him that I'll be fine on my own for a while longer.

He frowns as if it were my idea, and I can't help but chuckle at his playful pout. Leaning down, he presses several lingering kisses to my cheek, making me the one to shove him away. "I'll miss you so much," he whines, reluctantly rising to his feet as I watch him with a fond smile.

"Oh, you're so needy, aren't you, baby?"

"Mhm," he nods, his gaze lingering on me as he walks backward toward the door. When he reaches the wooden frame, he pauses, unable to tear his eyes away from me. "I could just tell her that-"

"Go!" I laugh, pointing emphatically at the door behind him. "I'll be right here when you get back."

"With lots of kisses?" he teases, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

I roll my eyes, a mixture of giggles and cringes bubbling up inside me because, goodness, it's cheesy but undeniably adorable. "With so many kisses," I confirm with a playful grin, already looking forward to his return.

He pouts playfully before his grin widens, and he begins to slowly close the door behind him. Just as it's about to shut completely, he flings it open again, half of his face peeking through. "But-" he starts to argue once more, unable to resist one last attempt to prolong our time together.

"Goodbye, Aren!" I interject, unable to contain my laughter as I give him a little wave.

He huffs out a dramatic groan, rubbing at his face before finally departing. I listen as Idalia joins him, their voices fading away as they leave the apartment, the sound of her car starting and driving off marking their departure.

He's undeniably perfect, I think to myself, reflecting on the rare exception he presents to my usual preference for space. With him, I find myself needing his constant presence, craving the reassurance of his affection and companionship.

I attempt to find sleep once more, but it eludes me, so I eventually push myself upright. Deciding to start the day, I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and get ready, all the while feeling a reluctance to leave my bedroom without Aren. However, the call of breakfast eventually pulls me away from the comfort of my room.

As I step out of my room, I spot Wrath fast asleep on the couch, the only presence in sight. I briefly wonder if everyone else also left with Idalia and Aren, but then I hear Sophie's laughter drifting in from the balcony, and I realize they must be out there together. Tuning my ears, I detect the faint aroma of weed, realizing they're likely sharing a joint. It warms my heart to see them getting along, yet at the same time, it unsettles me, stirring up a mix of emotions within me.

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