Chapter Forty-Four: Avalyn

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 Idalia wasted no time in concocting a plan involving the two doctors, and now, here I am, squeezed into a dress far too tight, standing alongside my best friend who still chooses to harbor a grudge.

 In the days leading up to this moment, I found solace in the seclusion of my room, too anxious, or perhaps too wounded to face Wrath and Cierien. While being around Sophie poses no issue, there's an undeniable awkwardness that hangs between us. It feels as though she has chosen the men who caused me pain over, well, me. However, I can't help but acknowledge that it was my decision to leave her in their presence, utterly confused and helpless.

 Now, we find ourselves compelled to work together. The supposed business meeting that Laren Wellington was set to attend turned out to be a night out at one of the more exclusive clubs in New York City. Idalia's plan feels less secure than I'd prefer, but we're taking a chance. This might be our only opportunity, given how heavily guarded WWA doctors typically are.

 We've all agreed that while we'd like to eliminate these two men, we won't risk our lives to do so. If we can successfully separate them from their entourage and security, then great. But if not, then we'll have to accept it.

 I can't help but feel that this will be the simplest task we've faced yet. Men are often predictable, their desires clouding their judgment and making them easy to manipulate. They tend to think with the head in their pants rather than the one that actually holds their thoughts. It's why Idalia asked the two of us to be the ones to get the job done. If we can just lure them away to a secluded spot, away from prying eyes, then we should be able to execute our plan swiftly.

 We're quick, efficient. It will only take a split second to snap both of their necks. We don't need to be malicious about it, we just need to get the job done- though I'm sure everyone else would prefer it to be.

 I'm grateful that Idalia has entrusted Sophie and me with this task. We could certainly use the time alone, though I suppose technically, we won't be entirely alone. Wrath, Cierien, and Idalia will be waiting on the sidelines, ready to move in and assist us once we give the signal. It's a comforting thought, knowing that we have backup if things don't go according to plan.

 Aren was instructed to stay home, as per Idalia's orders. Surprisingly, I don't mind; in fact, I even concur with her decision. It brings me a sense of relief, knowing he's sheltered from all of this chaos.

 The pounding bass of the music reverberates through the room, causing the very floor beneath us to tremble. It feels as though the sound is pulsing in my chest, echoing the rhythm of my once-beating heart. I close my eyes, allowing the memories to flood back, recalling the last time I stood in a club with Sophie by my side.

 The familiar thump of the music evokes a sense of nostalgia, transporting me back to simpler times when life was less complicated. Back then, I thought everything was difficult, but now I realize how naïve I was. This, the reality I live in now, is truly challenging.

 "I think we should leave," I said.

 "How about New York?" she suggested.

 And now, here we are.

 I didn't have to beg or plead with her. She just got it, understanding without any explanation spoken, and went along without question.

 "Just like that, hm?"

 "Just like that."

 There's a pang of sadness as I reflect on how effortlessly Sophie and I used to sync up, our wavelengths aligning seamlessly. She's always been the one person who truly understands me, perhaps even more than I understand myself. It's painful to realize that despite our physical proximity, we're currently in two different emotional places.

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