Chapter Thirty-Nine: Avalyn

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 "Get out," I grit, directing my words at Sophie, who sits at the end of Idalia's feet.

 She straightens, her eyes shifting to a crimson hue that unsettles me. They shouldn't be that color. It's my doing that they are.

 "I know you're not speaking to—" she begins.


 Her mouth snaps shut, eyes widening in disbelief. I've never addressed her with such force; she's clearly taken aback. Nevertheless, she complies, emitting a small scoff as she closes the door behind her.

 I strain to hear the faint sounds of the others settling down on the opposite side, unmistakably not leaving. I swear I can almost feel my heart race in my chest, threatening to break free. They're too close, their presence suffocating. I feel as though I'm on the verge of being consumed whole by their proximity.

 I departed from Wrath without offering any explanation, leaving him bewildered as ever. I relished the sight of his widened eyes, filled with fear, his lips trembling, and his body tense. Watching his stoic facade crumble was utterly exhilarating.

 My gaze meets Aren's, finding his eyes already fixed on me, concern etched across his features. I'm grateful that he didn't attempt to fight my battle on my behalf. Instead, he respected my agency, checking in before intervening. I value him for refraining from getting involved unnecessarily.

 I notice his hand clasping Idalia's, his body trembling slightly from the shock. Yet, there's a raw excitement gleaming in his eyes. He's overjoyed. He's regained his sister. It brings a sense of happiness to me as well, though it's difficult to express it after everything we've been through. All I manage to do is press a gentle kiss to his forehead before crawling over Idalia and sinking into the softness of the bed.

 "Are you okay?" he whispers, his gaze fixed on me as I settle into the corner.

 "Never better," I retort lightly, a lazy smile playing on my lips.


 "I just want to sleep," I murmur, feeling the weariness creeping over me.

 After that, I have no energy left. I'm completely drained.

 "Don't let anyone in," I instruct him, watching as he nods in understanding before my eyelids flutter closed.

 I don't get much rest, however. I'm abruptly jolted awake after what feels like only a few hours, hands gripping my throat tightly, cutting off my air supply. Panic sets in as I struggle to breathe, my eyes frantically searching for Aren. I find him on the other side of the bed, seemingly asleep, his breathing steady. But Idalia should be there, not on top of me, choking me.

 With desperation coursing through me, my hands shoot up, fingers digging into her face, while the other grasps at her hair, trying to wrench her off. But no sound escapes my lips; my airways are entirely obstructed. If she doesn't relent, she's about to render me unconscious again, though I fear that's not her intent. The thought grips me with terror— she might actually be trying to kill me.

 With a split-second decision, I opt against trying to physically remove her. Instead, I deliver a swift blow to Aren's side, causing his eyes to snap open in alarm as he processes the scene before him. Reacting quickly, he practically springs to his feet, hands seizing her by the top and forcefully yanking her back. Despite his efforts, she barely budges, her grip still tight around my throat.

 "You damn bitch," she spits out venomously. "How dare you take advantage of my little brother!"

 So, she does recall what she witnessed before collapsing to the floor? How unfortunate for me.

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