Killer Robot

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Work is rather boring we have gotten a few small cases and I have gotten to go to court to represent people. I get called by Matt again because he needs me to help him with someone. He also told me to be careful when coming there and wear a disguise to insure that I am not recognized.

So I throw on some black shield training gear that does not have the shield logo. Then I throw on a black face covering and travel right outside of the location with my tools. I hear police sirens and fire, something went down here. I open the door to the room he is in and he looks up at me.

He beckons me over and I crouch beside him. I look over them man who is laying on the ground. He was clearly shot. I examine the wound and it is bleeding a lot but it does not seem fatal as long as I get it patched quickly. I open my bag and pull out some things.

First I disinfect the wound before pulling out the bullet as it is not that deep. Then I work on stitching up the wound and apply pressure. Once the bleeding slows I cover the wound and wait for him to regain consciousness.

When he wakes up Matt starts questioning him and I just sit next to him on the floor. He has a very thick Russian accent so perhaps he will be more willing to communicate in his native tounge. "What questions do you want answered?"

He gives me a list and I start talking to the man in Russian. "Are you Russian?" The man asks.

"Yes, I was raised in a small village outside of Saint Petersburg."

"You know Russian?" Matt asks me.

"And many other languages." I say before returning to the matter at hand. I ask him all the questions and he seems more inclined to give them to me then he ever was to Matt. After we are done with the questions I check his wrappings and look him in the eyes. "I fixed you up, leave this town and go back to Russia. My friend will fix this."

"But the man you are hunting, he killed my brother."

"I doubt your brother would want you to join him at the moment." The man looks conflicted but nods. Matt leads us out of the area where the police are hunting for them apparently. After we leave the area I head off in a different direction and travel home.

I get a call from Foggy asking if I know where Matt is and I say that he should be home soon but he is alright. He asks how I know and I respond that I was with him and I walked him mostly home before something happened that made me have to leave. He was rather relieved to know that Matt was fine and said thank you to me before hanging up.

The next day we found out in the news that the whole of Hell's kitchen thinks that Matt is the one that set the bombs and they also made it seem like he killed some cops even though we had already left at that point. I am not quite sure how they pulled that off but now it is more dangerous when he goes out in his vigilante attire.

Toby called me and told me that scorpion broke up due to a stupid argument. So I offered him and Happy a place at my company. They need stable jobs anyway because they want to start a family. Plus my company has very good benefits as the two people in charge, me and Draco, are both from rich families so we are not as desperate to make money by harming our employees.

They accepted and moved to New York for the job and I helped them set up. They seem pretty happy with the new circumstances and even got a house with a big enough garage for all of Happy's hobbies.

At this point I do less in the manner of cases than in court and more fixing up of Matt as he continuously gets hurt trying to clean up Hell's kitchen. Recently he even got in a fight with a person that he said was a ninja.

Foggy found out that Matt was the man in the mask and simultaneously found out that I knew because Matt barely managed to call me to patch him up. Foggy is understandably mad at Matt so after I finish patching him up we talk.

As Old as time, second partOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora