Sword Fight

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"Alien language"

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"Sebastian." I say and he appears behind me.

"Yes my lord."

"Be a doll and spill some warm tea on the doctor and when he wakes up tell him to come here."

"Of course, young Master." He takes off and I think about what I just remembered. Years ago the doctor told me what to do if he had to get up quickly while regenerating. He told me that tea is the easiest way as it has all the things he needs to recover faster.

Soon enough I hear the TARDIS right behind me. I turn around and see a confused doctor. "Ah the doctor. I know that you may not have met me very many times yet but I know you very well. You know wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff. The TARDIS came to get me when she saw that you were out of commission."


"Now I have to fill you in quickly. There is a spaceship with the Sycorax right above the city. They tried to control the people here using blood manipulation but I put a stop to that so now we just have to convince them to leave."

"Can do." I grab his arm and drag him downstairs into unit as we have to gather some things. I grab my things including my sonic screwdriver and head to the main area. We arrive just in time to be teleported with the prime minister and a few others.

When we arrive I look around and it seems like a rather typical ship so I simply located all the exit points and then stepped forward with the others. They clearly don't know what is going on with the people because they threaten to make the people jump. I a man stepped forward and I just pushed him back. "Let me deal with this."

I turn to face the leader directly and speak in their native tounge. "We both know that you can't do that."

"Who are you that you know this?"

"An ambassador of Earth."

"The planets people should not know this."

"They might not but I do and I am the one speaking with you at this moment."

"Fine. What do you hope to achieve with this knowledge?"

"I hope that you will leave."

"We will only leave if you beat me in combat."

"I accept your proposition."

"Do you have your weapon?" He asks as he pulls out a sword and I pull out my own in response.

He stands and bows to me and I bow in return. We start our battle and the doctor briefly gets in the way leading to the loss of his hand. He is able to quickly grow it back though due to the fact he just regenerated.

The battle ends fairly quickly with me as the victor as I knocked the sword out of the leader's hand and placed mine against his neck. I remove my blade and he bows to me as he accepts me as the victor. "We will leave with no trouble."

"Good, but remember to never come back as I will always be here." They bow their head again and take us back to unit headquarters. "Well then you best be getting me home I have work in the morning, four years from now."

The doctor simply agrees and takes me home with no trouble and I realize when I get home and he leaves that I never did tell him who I was.

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