A New School

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Soon enough we arrive at the school. It is a large campus that is fenced in. Clearly a lot of money was spent on it. The two people who brought us here lead us up to the school. Then me and the other wolf are expected to go with two girls that are clearly magical. Landon the boy I talked to is told to go with the headmaster while we get a tour. I attach a quick listening spell to Landon before we head in because I am curious about what they will be doing.

As we walk around the school I listen to their conversation with magic and scoff when they mention Harry Potter. The magic here is nothing like that magic from what I can tell not to mention that they seem to believe that there are only their type of witches, werewolves and vampires. And they don't seem to believe that any other creatures exist.

My eyes widen slightly when they ask Landon who Raphael killed. It must be a part of these types of wolves transformation. This means that likely he will ask me the same question so I should come up with an answer that will not make me seem like a target or dangerous. I do not believe that it is time to reveal what I really am yet.

We see some classes and we are introduced to the wolves of the school. They seem rather obnoxious. They try to convince us that we need the pack but I have a few of my own so I do not need to be the runt of another group.

Apparently vampires at this school can erase peoples memories. They try it on Landon but it does not work. Apparently it doesn't work on creatures or people who have a certain herb in their bloodstream. Of course they assume that he got the herb but I know better.

I hear them knock Landon out and say that they are going to the cellar so I ditch the people around me and head down there being sure to hide myself with undetectable magic.

There is no one there other than me when he wakes up so I make myself visible to him. "Landon."

He turns to me in surprise. "When did you get here?"

"I was here the whole time. I may or may not have been listening to your conversation with the principal so when they brought you down here I just followed."

"What happened?"

"They panicked because your memory was supposed to be erased but it didn't work. My bet is that it is due to the fact that you are a creature."

"What?! No, I'm human!"

"Hm. No. Your aura says otherwise. It seems familiar but I am not sure from where so I will have to get back to you on that."

"You mean I can stay here?"

"Maybe. These people seem very unaware of the creatures in this world. They only seem to believe in the three that are here. Me and you both fall into a different group than those three."

"Then why are you here?"

"They think that I am a werewolf like the ones here but I am not. Not that I am going to tell them that."


"I do not want to overwhelm them." I say which is partially the truth. I also want to have plenty of cards up my sleeve if anything goes wrong. I feel Hope approach and quickly make myself disappear.


"Shh. Someone is coming." He nods and looks away from where I am.


"Hope? You have to get me out of here."

"Not yet. But you're not a prisoner here, I swear." I raise an eyebrow at that as clearly he is to a greater or lesser degree.

"I'm in a witch dungeon."

"It's a werewolf transition space." Great. I am so excited to get trapped down here every full moon. Perhaps it is worth revealing that I am different.

"Super." I giggle a little at that thought as it was very similar to mine. The giggle brought Hopes attention to me however.

"Who's there?"

I curse a little in ancient Greek before revealing myself. "It is only me."

"How did you do that and why are you here?"

"I have magic and I am here because I may or may not have been spying on your conversation."

"You have magic? Why did we not pick up on that?"

"Different kind than the one you search for. Oh and you might as well let Landon go because he is not human. I am surprised that you can't pick up on it but seemingly you can't really pick up on any other creatures. Rather surprising for a multi creature."

"What?" She asks in complete befuddlement.

"You will have to be more specific."

"How did you know? What do you mean by different kinds of creatures?"

"I can sense it. My guess is that you are a mix of all the things here. Meaning that your parents is likely Niklaus. Especially since I am pretty sure that he was the only one that could have children. The werewolf gene likely. As for the creature thing, you are clearly heavily unaware of the world around you. There are many different kinds of creatures, even multiple different types of the three that are here. I technically don't even belong to any of the groups you have here."

"But you're a werewolf."

"I am a wolf blood. Similar to your type of werewolves but I can change freely and completely have control of my wolf."

"Really?" Landon asks.

"Yes I can show you right now but I need you two to keep everything I have said here a secret from everyone. I don't like my secrets being shared."

"Deal." The two of them say. I crouch down and quickly shift into my main wolf form. I prance around a little bit and then sit down to shift back.

"See." I say and they both look at me in awe. I guess it is something new to both of them.

As Old as time, second partOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora