The Wolf

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I can feel that they are planning something so I am on high alert.

Sure enough soon his friends website has a sighting and includes facts that make it seem very suspicious. I cannot convince them to not follow the sighting so I change my form and follow closely after.

We enter a building near the school. It is apparently an old auditorium for the school that they go to. It seems to be one that was used for plays. When we enter I can feel that the wolf yokai is here. I quickly put up my guard and put shielding spells around each of them.

When we get the area with the stage I can feel that the yokai is backstage waiting for the right time to attack. Before I can say anything the boys of Rikuo's friend group other than Rikuo himself run behind the screen to start up the projector. Thankfully the yokai doesn't attack them, probably because he doesn't want to be discovered yet.

We were able to convince the girls to leave with Yura but we still have to deal with the boys. They were actually able to get the projector playing and that is when the yokai appeared. I step back into the shadows to stay out of the way unless he needs me. I use a little bit of magic to keep the boys in the back room to keep them out of the way and some of the members of the clan appear to help Rikuo.

The wolf yokai's head transforms into that of a wolf and detaches itself from his body to start flying around the room attacking things. I watch carefully as they get started on the fight ready to jump in if needed but they seem to be holding their own.

The wolf yokai's power seems to come from anger interesting enough. One of the clan members catches the wolf yokai in his almost unbreakable strings. The wolf cannot move while in this but because of this his anger grows and so does his power.

I know that I have to let them do this themselves so they will grow in power but I will not be allowing them to die. The yokai's body transforms into a wolf and he escapes the strings by whipping his head around before connecting his head back onto his newly formed wolf body.

He grows so big that the ceiling breaks and he seems to have finally discovered his full powers. He launches the members of the clan and leaves only Rikuo to face him. Thankfully it is night so he can access his more powerful yokai form allowing him to properly fight against the wolf.

Rikuo then used his sword to cuts the yokai leading him to change back and flee back the leader of his group. We grab the boys and head back to the manor.

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