Loss And Gain

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The avengers have all been announced on TV and the title that they decided for me was the angel of death. They didn't see much about me as I was wearing a cloak but they did see my wings and my bone weapons. The wings that they saw were my raven-like ones from my non hell demon form. I was deemed as part of the Avengers.

I was with scorpion for some cases when Walter got a message from the hospital telling him that his sister's health is declining. His parents are coming in and we are waiting in the hospital because we are here for moral support. Also Silvester is married to Walters sister so two of the team members are out for the most part.

I am just sitting in the cafeteria not eating but working on things for my business on my laptop. I look up because something feels off and that is when a lockdown is initiated. The door closes to the room and I am locked in the room with patients, family members, a few staff, Toby and Happy.

One of the cooks comes out in a panic saying that one of the other workers is sick and he has something all over him. Me, Toby and Happy head into the kitchen to check him out. He is shaking and is covered in what seems like mold or fungi. The fungi is also all over the wall and on a few other things.

It seems to be a to be a dangerous toxin and when we left the room we noticed it on the wall in the cafeteria area which is very bad. This means that it is likely spread spores that all of us have inhaled tiny bits of.

Toby finds out that the man in the kitchen is likely the source of this all and it is more dangerous than we originally thought. It is an older toxin that is worse and spread faster. It is associated with gold which we found on the bottom of the man's shoes very near a cut on his leg.

The toxin is spreading faster than we expected and the pregnant patient in the room had her water break. This could be going much better. I quickly slip into doctor mode and start instructing the woman while Happy and Toby work on figuring out how to deal with the fungus.

With help from Walter, Silvester, Ralph and Gallow, Toby and Happy are able to get the cure made and spread throughout the hospital. The baby is born with very little trouble and the fungus is disappearing. Sadly not all is well as I feel Megan, Walters sister die soon after the cure was dispersed.

The quarantine was lifted soon after the CDC arrived and we were allowed to leave. However as I am leaving the building I am called by Meredith. She tells me that there is a shooter in the hospital and she knows that I used to be FBI so she is wondering if I could help. I tell her that I will try my best and hang up.

I get my ID for both the hospital and the FBI before making sure that I have my gun and cuffs. I finally change into scrubs and travel there before slipping in through the back door.

The hospital is in a state of panic and I can feel that Alex is not doing well so I head there first. I find him bleeding out in the elevator and it doesn't seem like he is going to make it so I give him some of my vampire blood and put him in a room for him to heal and change.

Next I head to where Meredith's soul is. When I arrive she is with Cristina and they don't immediately recognize me as I am in my appearance for the FBI. "Meredith, Cristina calm down I am here to help."


"That is the name I go by here and as you know that was not my real name."

"So what is your real name?"

"Luis." I say, as that should be the only other name they come in contact with. "Now you need to stay calm and silent we don't know where the shooter is or why he is doing this so sit tight." They nod and I leave the room, locking the door behind me.

I can sense people dieing on the floor above where I am so I quickly head up there with my gun rested firmly in my hands. I see him and see him shoot someone. I shoot him in the shoulder of the arm with the gun causing him to drop it. I then tackle him to the ground and cuff him to a nearby pole before pushing the gun even farther away from him.

When the SWAT team arrives I slide my gun and my badge across the floor to them and they come over. "The shooter is over there. He has a gunshot wound to the shoulder as it was the only way to incopastate him. I did already patch it up."

"Thank you agent Gram." One of them says and the remove the man. After that they scour the hospital to make sure that there.is not another dangerous person here and I go back to check on Alex.

His wound has healed and he is looking better. I wave my hand over his eyes so when he changes his eyes will remain the same color as they have always been.

I hang around for a couple of days to help with clean up and help Alex get adjusted to his new lifestyle. He took it better than most of the newlings I have seen in my life and right before I left I gave him my newer family number and entered his into that phone.

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