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*just a fair warning guys, things are about to get kind of saucy*

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. God, it's November why I'm soaked in sweat? I got up making sure not to wake up Pelle, and stumbled my way over to the bathroom. After washing up and putting a cold rag on my forehead for a couple of minutes I was okay. I turned off the light and stumbled back to the bed when suddenly I felt something grab me. I looked to see Dead with his hair in his eyes and smiling clinching onto my wrist. Thank God it was just him. I chuckled a little bit, he's so tempting when he starts acting all cutesy and shit. He took it to his advantage and slowly eased me onto his lap smiling at me.

"What woke you up," he said moving a piece of my hair and tucking behind my ear. " Oh nothing I just felt kind of sick that's all," I admitted throwing my hands up. Dead was silent for a moment and then he bit his bottom lip seductively," I can make you sick," he teased. Next I knew after the words escaped his mouth, he laid me down on the bed and climbed on top of me. Oh damn. I kissed him hard making him fall down on top of me as he returned the favor back to me. He was so good at this sorta stuff who would have ever known? We were making out so hard that we had saliva coming out of both of our mouths. Dead got up and sat on my lap still having me pinned to the bed while he stretched his arms out over his head making his shirt rise a little. Is what I think is going to happen going to happen? Dead pleasured me well, I need to let him know that I love him too. I wrapped my arms around his torso and slammed him back on top of me and grinded against him as he then did the same. It didn't take too terribly long before I got him to start moaning, damn guess he likes it. After a few minutes he sat back up and looked at me with warm eyes and smile followed by a small chuckle and burning red cheeks. It was quite easy to tell that he was turned on and aroused, I really thought it would be a little harder than that given how reserved he is. I didn't want this moment to end and neither did Dead. I made an advancement and placed a hand near the zipper on his jeans and rubbed. At this point Dead was really moaning, deeper and deeper he was really starting to loose control and it was easy to tell because he got hard. "Do it," he said in between moans. I knew what he meant and I put my hand on his pant zipper and pulled it down just an inch before I heard a loud slam. Shit.

"What the absolute fuck," I heard a loud raspy yell. Dead got off of me and I looked to see Hellhammer standing in the doorway with a more pissed than possible stare. " You," he growled looking towards Dead's direction who was now on the floor by my bed. " What can't keep your pants on," he asked in a malignant tone while picking up Dead by his shirt collar and thrust him against the wall violently. " No it's not like th-," Dead was caught off by Hellhammer who swung his fist at him and punched him straight in jaw. Dead fell to the floor with blood streaming from his mouth with his eyes closed. I went over to Dead when Hellhammer grabbed my arms heartlessly," and you, you are coming with me," he sneered while slamming the door so hard on the way out that the door actually broke and fell over. Dead, I hope he's okay, as soon as I'm able to get away from my tyrant of a brother I'm going to run off with Dead if it's the last thing I do.

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