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After dinner I found Euronymous and Dead in my room sitting adjacently from the window," What are you two doing in my room!," I was quite flustered to say. " Dead is going to sleep in here with you until we get his stuff all set up in the attic, which should take about a week give or take," Euro said holding up his index finger. " Now Dead you be nice to y/n okay? Same with you just because you are Hellhammer's sister does not mean that you get to get away with being mean to Dead. Now, if either of you need anything you can come across the hallway either Necrobutcher or I will be happy to help you," Euro said crossing his arms firmly. His long black hair flowed in the air as he closed the door to me and Dead's room. Dead sat on his air up bed and stared out of the window with a grave expression on his pale face, it's almost as if he saw something outside that no else could seem to see, something so tragic it stopped his function. It was sort of amazing when you think about it. I leaned ok over to see out the window but I saw nothing but the sway of the trees from the ever so distant forest and a sliver that belonged to the moon that was shapened into that of a crescent. Nothing out of the ordinary though it seemed the scenery was quite obscure and unsettling to him. Maybe he came from the city, I thought silently to myself. He looked at me for a second and asked," What do you see?,". " Umm forestry scenery and rampant wind," I said giving him a glance . " What do you see?," I asked him. " I see sadistic torture. See the wind is abusing its power beating everything around it and pushing everything around. Particularly the trees which give the wind life. Isn't it funny how nature depicts human tyranny and behaviour?," he asked. His response intrigued me completely, that's how he saw it and for some reason unspeakable it amazed me quite. " You know Dead never did my knowledge think of nature like that. So accept the compliment please, you have got the greatest perspective of that any persons I have seen has yet to accomplish," I praised him moderately comparably. " Why thank you," his cheeks flashed red. " Sweet dreams Dead," I murmured just loud enough for him to hear before blowing the candle that provided us the light to see each other out.

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