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I woke up feeling rather languid, I staggered out of bed and towards the door making sure not to make a sound, so Dead won't be woken. I stumbled downstairs, feeling rather chilly. I sat down at the kitchen table where Euronymous adjacently stood over the stove with a grimace. I looked at he him, he was so slender and structured with lips perfect but not touchable, and he was sharp. I got up from the table and went to the bathroom, I looked at the disappointment in the mirror that leered back at me wanly. I lifted my shirt and felt my stomach, still buldging. I frowned at myself, what am I doing wrong, that's when it all started playing through my head how Ryan Parker said how I was to fat and ugly to be loved, it was foreboding, looking at the weary reflection I now see what she meant. She wasn't wrong, I asked someone else out before, a tall glistening figure that went by the name Varg Vikernes, he had long dark brown hair and was fan of black metal like my brother, Necrobutcher, and Euronymous and for what felt like forever we were friends. We spent so much time together inseparable, for a while me and him started a duo project in his garage and even did a couple gigs around the area. We started getting a little speedy when we got traveling on the road there for a while, we started making out in the tour bus and it only escalated from there. Then one day after touring Varg grew depressed and started drinking heavily, our little gig failed and he was deeply despised. He started beating the shit out me one night after I came home from working and saw him fucking another woman's brains out. He said some unforgivable things and nearly killed me, then after waking up in the hospital a week later he never said sorry or left a note or anything, infact I haven't seen him since. Euronymous never liked Varg but I just figured it was because he had a thing for me like Hellhammer always told me and was jealous, nope.I heard a loud knock on the door," Hey sis what's wrong," it was Hellhammer talking in a hushed tone. I flushed the toilet to make it look like I was just finishing business,"Oh sorry bro, I'm just feeling a little constipated I'll try and use the upstairs bathroom next time," I said hastily running past him and plopping down at the kitchen table. Euronymous looked at me then handed me some cold scrambled eggs and a slice of toast with a blank stare and sat by me," what's wrong," he asked. " NOTHING," I hollered. He squeezed my knee and looked me in the eyes," well if you want to talk about it just let me know," he shrugged. After about an hour we all headed down towards the basement, where band practice always was there were amps and microphones and a couple of chairs scattered around towards the corners. Dead had a bleak expression on his face as he entered the basement, it was probably just because of the peeling paint from the wall. Everyone got in there positions and I got all the amps and stuff ready then sat on a chair and listened to the performance. Dead's vocals were amazing his growls were amazing the pitch was phenomenal he really did sound like a dead corpse I guess. After practice we decided to go pick up some food at restaurant, we walked there sense why not and we usually walked places unless they were pretty far away. We all went through the restaurant's corridor then ordered our food and sat outside at a big round table with an umbrella when Hellhammer leaned near me and whispered," Psst hey y/n mom is wanting to call you tonight, she didn't say what for but said it's 'very important' ", he air quoted. " Okay," I sighed. This was weird, my mom never calls anyone unless she's planning something or needs a cover, how eerie. Dead just stared at his french fries not even moving them," Are you going to eat those," I teased his grabbing onto his shoulder which made him jump a little bit. " No," he lamented. " Why?, french fries are sooooooo good, how are you just going to turn those down," I asked him. He just shrugged," I never had any besides I'm not even hungry," he said running his fingers through his long blonde hair. It was at that moment I realized something, his hair shone so majestically in the glimpse of the sunset, it reflected off his hair and created very profound hues. For a minute I felt in trance, just taking in what he really looked like in the gorgeous reflection of the sunset, if he knew what smiling was you'd swear he'd look just like one of those guys in the movies who wins it all, standing victoriously at the end. To anyone else the sunset on him is probably just vigorous and unnoticed but to me it lifted his image a thousand times, he no longer looked like the wan, grim, and disdain Dead from the beginning of yesterday but a prosperous man, Pelle not 'Dead'. After we all ate a little bit Necrobutcher stood up and decided it would be best if we all started back towards the house. By now the sunset was long gone and couldn't even be seen behind the trees. We all walked side by side down the winding road home in the forest from what seems like away from the rest of society and civilization. Me and Dead got ready for bed and changed, well I did at least," Aren't you going to change out of that," I asked him pointing to his severed double layer jeans with a band tee and his jean jacket," Yeah I would love to do that but I have no sleeping attire," he admitted crossing his arms. " Besides believe it or not, this is pretty comfortable he just let himself fall onto the blown up air mattress and stretch out. I shrugged, hit the lights and went to bed.

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