Never Coming Home

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Me and Dead both decided in that we did not want to go home, the boys were so beyond pissed and we just were not ready to deal with what they were going to throw at us. Good thing is that Dead still had a good bit of money so we bought a motel room for the night. We were going to go back to Oslo and get a room but we did not want to risk running into one of the guys so we just decided to stay over here for the night. We picked up some trashy fast food to go for dinner then crashed out at the motel just snuggling together on the bed with a blanket, watching Phantom Of The Opera. I rested my head on Dead's shoulder trying to ignore the large visible scar and hugged him, he probably needed it more than anything right now. He leaned over towards me and smiled smothering my face and neck with sweet wet kisses, I could tell were with passion. I don't know why he cares about me, there's nothing special but hey I'm not complaining how many people get to make out with Dead and see just how sweet he is? I wish this moment would last forever just the two of us alone loving each other without any drama or criticism. But we would have to go back to the rest of the band eventually and pretend this never happened or keep a secret only known to us behind closed doors. I knew for a fact that if Hellhammer found out about me and Dead he would fucking kill him and make me wish I were dead. " Hey what's wrong, you just sorta zoned out there you scared me, you alright," Dead tugged at my arm. I shook the thoughts away and looked him in the eyes," yeah of course I am, sorry I was just thinking about something.," I was a bad liar but Dead trusted me, naive boy. He got on the floor and grabbed a pencil and picked it up, I peaked over the bed to see what he was doing it didn't take long for him to look back at me," nuh, uh uh no looking yet," he teased me waving a finger in front of my face with a smile. " Ugh," I groaned. " But you better show me after I get out of the shower, you've got me guessing," I bit my lip and kissed his soft head of golden hair before going to the bathroom. I can't believe he's actually mine all mine, he is the best and a damn good listener at that. He also had a troubled mind, I knew that walking into this and I hope to be able to help him get better and love him better, harder, and like no one has been before. As soon as I hopped in the hot shower I thought about Dead, when we touched I felt just as warm as the water, no one else has made me feel like that before, Hellhammer would not allow it, he said that I needed to remain "pure" and chaste for enternity because at least one of us had to be "good" right? Too late and if he had a problem with me and Dead and it gets to bad we'll just run off to the forest and elope. As soon as I got out of the shower I saw Dead, scratching the back of his head nervously with half a smile. I pulled my robe up a bit more as it was slumping off my shoulders. He handed me a piece of paper, he drew me! It was absolutely gorgeous way more beautiful than I'll ever be but I'm glad he sees me that me. " Oh Pelle," I gushed kissing him all over. " I love it," I exclaimed while pulling into him. Afterwards we fell out on the bed and went to sleep, serves us right it was five in the morning.


I always figured Dead to be a really good artist.

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