Burn It To The Ground

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After dinner we all decided to burn a church, those suck ass anyways. Despite how pissed I was we let Hellhammer join, the more help we have to burn it the more satisfying it will, the flame will also be bigger too. I crept up to my room upstairs to go put on a different pair of clothes, I black hoodie, black torn jeans, and a beanie with my hair in it, if someone was to see the scene I want to make sure they won't be able to know that it is me. As I left the room I realized that the attic ladder was out so I climbed up and into the attic which is now Dead's, to find him painting Euronymous's face with corpse paint. Dead himself was already wearing some corpse paint which is really good, as he finished up he perked his head up," oh, hey y/n you want some corpse paint too?," he said holding up some white and black face paint. " Sure," I said plopping down in front of him on the floor while Euro examined Dead's work in the attic mirror. He painted my face giggling a little bit as he went over my mouth then got up and stared at me with proud face," it done," he said lending me his hand. I walked over to the mirror and looked, my eyes were blacked out with streaks coming off from them, my mouth was a huge black frown with blood coming from it, and an upsidedown cross on my forehead. " Dead you are so talented," I blushed even though my face was painted white it was visible. Afterwards the three of us went downstairs to see Necrobutcher carrying a few gallons of gasoline, handing us each a can. We all waltzed out the door quite excited, damn this already felt great! We walked in the dark night, Euro leading us since he could see the best out of all of us. Eventually we approached a huge church, I mean I have never seen one this big, I wanted to yell at Euro for how well he did finding this church but if we don't want to get caught we need to stay silent. Necrobutcher cracked door open and we filed in," dump it," he said. Without hesitation we all opened the gas cans and started dumping it all over the floor and everywhere. Gasoline was splashing everywhere and almost flooding the floor despite how much floor there was. We all made sure to soak the podium more than anything else along with the chairs and area where the baptisms were done, fuck that shit. Dead looked quite proud of me and lead me to the bathroom and closed the door. He started kissing down my neck quickly pressing his lips hard against my skin making me moan. We looked at each other for a second then began to violently make out our tongues went crazy until we heard Hellhammer's voice," everyone get out we are about to light this bitch up," it echoed off the walls. Without another thought me and Dead stopped and ran to the entry door with Euro and Necrobutcher. After everyone was out we all watched Hellhammer light four matches then throw them in the church along with a lighter. Not even three seconds later the flame began and grew rapid, it soon started to tower towards the sky cracking here and there. We all started laughing demonically as the church was ablaze in the dead night sky, the fire was at least a hundred feet tall. After about ten minutes of enjoying the church go up into flames we decided to run back to the house as someone would probably find out soon and we didn't want them to find us, we just did the town a service after all! As soon as we got home we turned all the lights off and locked the door to make it appear that we are asleep. We all got a drink of water then headed to our rooms, after I changed I saw Dead at my door wanting in so I let him in. He placed his arms around me tightly and involuntary fel on the bed with me in his arms. We cuddled up and fell asleep with my head in the crook of Dead's neck. Guess we are sleeping together tonight, which I definitely don't mind, it caught me a little off guard that he spooned me but it was nice, and with my eyes barely staying open I drifted to sleep.

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