Chapter 30

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Koltens POV
Omg we just found a teddy bear and its creepy as fuck. "Kolten just leave it alone!" Avery whispered yelled to me. "Yeah dude just leave it you're making the woman go mad in here" Mark said pointing at Avery who just rolled her eyes. I was just playing around with the bear when I heard Trish talking to Neha so I decided to throw it at her. "Omg why did you threw it at me?!" Neha said and I'm pretty sure Trish hung up. "Chill guys its just a bear jeez" I said and I finally stopped playing with it. "So found anything?" I asked. "Just medicines and first aid kit and stuff" Neha said. "Guys look at this" mark said pointing on some kind of radio. "Does it work?" Avery asked. "I don't know I'll check" he said and he clicked the green button and nothing happened. "What now" Neha asked. "Just a sec ok" he said the he clicked the red one and it was the stupidest thing to click on. "Noo-- for fuck sake Mark" I said as the the radio was turned on and there was loud music and guess what? It was blank space by Taylor Swift. "Quickly lock the door!!" Avery said. We all ran to the door and locked it we also put the tables,chairs, and everything we can put there so it won't open. "What the fuck Mark" Neha said. "What I didn't know" mark said. "It was written there smartass" Avery sassed. "Hey what ever your name is I didn't know ok?" He said and I just facepalmed myself someone should remind me not to trust mark with these kind of things not really a smart idea. "Shut your mouths guys be quiet" Neha said as we hid under the windows. After a few minutes we hears smashing on the door. "Shit they found us" I said. "No really" Neha sassed. "Be quiet and help we with this!" I whispered yelled. We all pushed the door to keep it closed which is really pointless cause we'll just get tired and they'll get us. "What do we do?" Mark asked. "How about we ask for help?" Neha said. "Where's the walkie talkie?" I asked. "Shoot I left it there" Neha said pointing on where we were sitting before which is not that far but we have to push the door close so the zombies won't get in. "Avery quickly get it" I said and she ran there which I quickly regretted. The zombies started to get in as Avery reached the walkie talkie. "Run!!" I said and we all started running. We just ran as fast as we could we went to where Trish and the others went before and we all looked at the rooms and it didn't took us long to find them. "Holy shit guys you scared us! What happened?" Cen said. "No time to explain let's run now!!" I said. "But--" the Kaitlyn girl said but we cut her off. "I said now!!" I said and we all ran to the van but when we were running Mark was grabbed by three zombies. "No!!" I said. I ran to where he was and hit the zombies with my bat. I saw that his pinky finger was bitten so I quickly cut it. "The fuck!!" Mark screamed. "Stand up let's go!!" I said as I helped him get up and we ran to the van. "Drive now!!" Trish said and adam drove away. "Jeez guys what the fuck?! You getting yourselves killed you know that?!!" Trish yelled at us. "Trish calm down" Neha tried to calm her down. "It's not our freaking fault Trisha!! Do you really think that we wanted to die?! Don't yell at us like you even care remember this was your plan!!" Avery yelled back. What the fuck?! She was the one who volunteered to come why is she blaming this on Trish now?. "First of all yes I freaking do care Avery and yes this was my plan but I never said you had to come with us you volunteered remember?! And no I don't think you wanted to die I'm just saying you should becareful so many people died! Are you even realizing this?! We don't even know where are families are or if they're still alive! You guys are my only family now so you shouldn't be surprised I'm being over protective and I don't even know if you feel the same way cos of your selfishness" Trish yelled back with full of anger in her voice. "T-trish I didn--" Avery tried to apologize realizing what she had done. "Save it there's enough bullshit that has happened today" Trish said as she looked away. "Guys please stop it seriously I might now know you that we'll but please we have to help each other to survive ever this crisis" Kaitlyn said and there was silent the whole trip. We got back to Walmart and they all we're worried. "What's wrong?" Gaveena asked as she saw Trish with a pissed off face. We all looked at Avery who was looking down. "Avery we need to talk right now" Gaveena said in a serious tone. "Omg mark you ok?" Gina asked. "Yeah just my pinky finger no big deal" he said . "Yoh let's all get some rest " I said. I walked to where cen and Kaitlyn . "you guys what did you find in the room where you were?" I asked. "Well Kaitlyn here found a radio and she got it to work and we listened to the recorded message." Cen said "but the problem is we didn't get to finish it" Kaitlyn said. "Is it helpful?" I asked curiously. "Yup and I feel that it has the information about where the safe places are" Kaitlyn said. "So we really need to get that right?" I asked. "Yup" she said.
Ok I made my decision I'm taking the risk.

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