Chapter 19

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Trisha's POV
*sigh* well I couldn't do anything about it now they're with me. I just don't want them to get hurt. "Anyone wants to go with me? I got some space on the car I feel lonely" I said jokingly. "I'll go!" Neha said. "I'll go too" Avery said. "Let's go then" I said. "Shotgun for the front!" Neha said but Avery ran and got in first. "Hey I said shotgun!" Neha said. "Too bad" Avery said as she got in. "Fine" neha said. I just chuckled. "So where we going now?" Avery asked. "Incase you're not listening were going to the church " I said looking at her and she rolled her eyes . I just chuckled jeez its really fun seeing her getting mad. "Why you gotta be so rude?" Neha sings . "shut up neigh neigh" I said. "Meany" she said. "Sooo how's life" I said staring at Avery but she's looking at the window. "I don't think she heard you here let me try. HOWS LIFE AVERY?!?" neha yelled and it was so loud that it made me covered my ears. "Omfg!!!! Jeez" Avery looked shocked which made us laughed. "So how is it?" I asked. "Fine" she said. "Gaveena told me you guys are not friends anymore?" I said. "Ya" she said. "Why is that?" Neha asked. "*sigh* its hard to explain" she said. "Ok" I said. " have you dated anyone?" Neha asked. "no" Avery said. "Sure" neha said. I just gave her a look. "Oook" she said. After a few mins later we arrived at our destination. I was disappointed. "Trish" Cen said. "Let's check in" I said. "Trish it doesnt look like its safe" kolten said. He's right theres no camps and such only zombies are here. "B--ut" I stuttered. "Let's go" Avery said pulling me to the car. "What are you doing?!" I asked. "Are you crazy?! Trish look there's no camp! I know you want to find your family but Trish don't risk your life!" Avery said. "We need you. I need you" Avery said. Then it came to my mind. She's right my friends needs me. "I'm sorry" I said. "Its ok Trish let's just go" neha said. I nodded and I started the car. Whole time it was silence even neha didn't dare to make a joke or something. "Were here " I said. We all went in. "Hey guys how'd it go?" Rachel asked. "Good cos were all alive and safe d because we found nothing" I said. Everyone just came to give me a hug. From now on I will survive not just for myself but also for my friends. We were eating when something came banging in our door.

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