Chapter 23

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Neha's POV
Ughh I don't like this silence I know we lost Trish and she's my bestfriend but I know if she was here she'd try everything just to make everyone laugh like we always do. "Guys guys look at your uncle" I said as I make a funny face but it didn't work "not this time please" Spaven said. *sigh* I hope Trish would be fine even though that's impossible but Trish is different she got the brains and she's athletic so I don't think she would let any zombies get her.

Gaveena's POV
Its so awkward here especially because of Avery we've been friends for a long time but now its like we never known each other. "Umm can you please pass that juice box right there?" Avery asked me as I pass it to her we made eye contact but I broke it in a second. "T-thanks" she said and I just nodded.

Jasers POV
"So umm you guys wanna stop for a second for a rest?" I asked. "Yah sure" kolten said as I parked the truck at the side. "I'm just gonna---" I got cut off by a loud scream of Chloe . sh**t Logan was bitten how could we forget that. "Noo!" Emma said but too late Chloe was bitten by Logan. "What the?!" Adam said. Emma and Hailey was bitten as well its hard cos were still inside the truck. Everyone is shocked so no one tried to kill Logan. Then I realized if don't kill him right now we all would be bitten so I prepared my Axe and hit Logan on the head. It was silent everyone didn't dare to make a noise. "Chloe? Emma?" Kolten asked. "You g-guys j-just l-l-leave us behind " Emma said. "B-but" Adam said. "W-were a-lready b-b-b-itten" Chloe said. We all talked about it and we decided we would rather do that than to kill them. We all said our goodbyes we also gave Logan a proper funeral and we left. Why do we have to have so many problems? I sighed.

Trisha's POV
"Oh my freaking gosh you guys are sneaky aren't you?" I said as I got cornered by four zombies. I hit them on the leg and then head then I ran into a room. I sighed as I locked the door. It wouldn't be long till they get me here. I looked around then bingo! Theres a freaking window!.

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