Chapter Forty-Two

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Beatrice teleported behind Caldwell when he attempted to set her aflame. Caldwell whirled around, snarling at Beatrice.

"What is the matter?" she asked sweetly. "Did you honestly expect me to stand there and allow you to do as you please?"

Julian used the opportunity to swing at him with his sword. Caldwell raised his hand, halting Julian's arms midair. Then he faced Beatrice again.

"Do you not understand?" he asked. "You cannot defeat me. After centuries, I would not allow myself to be killed by the very family I swore to destroy." Caldwell released Julian and chuckled at him. "I may have taught you everything you know, but you will never surpass the master."

Beatrice clutched the rapier in front of her. She watched Julian run at Caldwell anyway, and she rolled her eyes when Caldwell merely flung him away. However, her heart leaped when she caught the waver in his demeanor. He hissed through his teeth and then shook his head, laughing to himself as if nothing had occurred.

She smirked. "If you truly despise my family as much as you say, why would you work with my mother?"

"Convenience." He shrugged. "She cannot stand you, and I needed you weakened and without hope."

Beatrice now laughed and straightened her shoulders. "I've never cared for her either. If you wanted to hurt me—"

"I should have killed your dearest Maribel and Ashton." Caldwell feigned a gasp. "Oh, but I did that, too!"

Beatrice froze, staring blankly at him as his words kept echoing in her head. The sight of Ashton's body became more evident in her peripheral. Still and cold. Those dark brown eyes would never look into hers again. She would never hear his charming voice assure her everything would be fine—they would win this fight together. But a "together" no longer existed.

And Maribel—sweet Maribel—would never smile at her again. Beatrice would never walk alongside her, comforted by her mere presence. Because the only person who stood beside her throughout everything—all these years and since childhood—was Maribel. And now Beatrice stood alone.

"Everything and everyone can die," Beatrice whispered, her vision blurring.

"Oh, speak louder! Prouder!" Caldwell scolded.

Beatrice clenched her teeth and looked up at him. "You can die!" She ignited the blade with her fire and swung at him. As expected, he evaded each fireball and even returned a few to her. Beatrice breathed heavily as she avoided them. Her knees and hands shook, and Caldwell laughed harder.

"Careful, Your Majesty," he said. "If you keep forcing yourself, you may end up sacrificing yourself for me!"

Beatrice managed a weak laugh in response. "No more sacrifices." She continued despite the shooting pain throughout her skull.

Julian rejoined her side, deflecting Caldwell's attacks in front of her. Beatrice stumbled away, catching her breath.

"Beatrice!" Julian cried. "I can't do this forever!"

Beatrice blinked hard a few times. "No one can... no one." She took a deep breath and turned back around.

Caldwell struck Julian in the arm with light. Beatrice widened her eyes at the string of curses leaking out of Julian's mouth, but she went to him, touching his good arm.

"Maybe he's right," Julian said, clutching his wound. "Maybe we can't—"

"He is tired," Beatrice whispered. "Magic is exhausting."

Julian raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"Keep going. Separate from me." She pulled away from him, side-eying Julian who still gawked at her.

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