Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Ashton gritted his teeth as he rose from the ground and parried the next blow.

He'd lost count of how much time had passed since this fight had begun. The heat from the fires made him sweat, plastering his hair against his face. But he powered onward and ignored the many times he noticed Beatrice teleporting from one spot to another. She was enjoying herself—free to use her magic to its full ability without anyone holding her back.

Still, Ashton couldn't shake the uneasiness he felt whenever she did something particularly risky.

Ashton whirled around, swinging toward the other man attempting to sneak up behind him. The tip of his blade swiped against the man's face, stumbling him backwards. Ashton leaped forward, pulling out his dagger, and thrusting it into the man's chest.

Then he ducked, avoiding a blow to the back of his head. He heard Beatrice's grunt behind him and turned as she yanked Luc's sword out of his attacker's back. She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand, further smearing the blood splatters.

Ashton took a deep breath and nodded at her. "Thank you. How are you faring?"

Beatrice rolled her shoulders. "I am fine." Yet she winced and touched her head.

"What is it?" he asked, running up to her. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, of course." She smiled at him. "It may hurt to comprehend how these mongrels believe they can outdo us."

Ashton widened his eyes as he noticed another group of Inferum cantivat heading toward them. "I don't mean to contradict your statement, but there's more of them, Bee."

"Hmm?" Beatrice looked for herself and groaned. "They are not slowing down, are they?"

"No, but we need to leave." Ashton gazed around their surroundings, seeing the walls of fire growing higher and engulfing everything in their path. "The fire is—" Beatrice let out a small whine as she clutched her head. He reached for her, but she held up her hand to him.

"No, I am fine." Beatrice dropped her hand and sneered at the crowd. "You make a fair point, though, Ash. We need to go." She took his hand into hers, and he looked down when he felt her intertwining their fingers.

"I've done enough here," she said. Then the right side of her mouth rose, forming a devious smirk on her face.

Ashton closed his eyes, and they teleported out of there. He gasped when he heard screams and tired grunts, and he looked to find them in the middle of the battle. He saw the weary expressions on every soldier, how their hands shook as they continued their swordfights with Inferum cantivat, and how most of them were covered in bloody wounds.

"Ash!" Ailith cried as she fled past him on Rosie.

"Ailith!" Ashton watched her steer Rosie back around. She twirled her sword and rammed into two of their enemies. One of them regained themselves and spotted Ashton and Beatrice.

Beatrice rolled her eyes and set them on fire. "I've had enough of this!" She clutched Luc's sword and fled into the crowd, saving one of her soldiers from being beheaded. She took over, clanking her blade against the woman's whose rag was falling off her face.

Ashton moved around everyone, searching everyone's face until he noticed someone—Sir Hollingsworth—hunched over and spitting out blood. He rushed to their side, dragging Hollingsworth out of the way.

"Ashton," he uttered, choking up more blood. His chest plate was missing, exposing the gaping wound that was causing him all this pain. "Don't. Let me go." He was an older knight, but Ashton recalled seeing him often all those years ago. Joseph might've poked fun at him a few times for his "stiffness," but Hollingsworth meant well and took his position seriously. Now here he was, fighting for what he believed in, protecting his kingdom and queen.

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