Chapter Twenty

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Beatrice smiled as she raised her fist to the door. Then she gasped and jumped when it swung open first. Luc gaped at her.

"Beatrice?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" she shot back, pointing at him. "I've come to check on Ashton." She inclined her head, spotting Ashton standing behind Luc. He beamed upon seeing Beatrice, and she smiled again. She moved past Luc and asked Ashton how he felt.

"Far better than he should," said Luc, shutting the door.

Beatrice whirled around. "What are you doing?"

"Ashton Ward, the healer."

"I—" she faced Ashton and frowned. "I suppose there was truly no other choice after you saved his life."

Ashton merely shook his head.

"Beatrice," Luc said, grabbing her wrist. "I know what you did that night, too."

She stiffened and glanced down at the floor. "Of course you do. Are you going to run off and inform my mother about this?" She gritted her teeth as she yanked her wrist free. "Would you like me to be cured again?"

"You were never cured."

"You are not as dense as I assumed you to be." She finally turned back to him and folded her arms across her chest. "No, Luc. I never was. I pretended to take the medicine Dr. Caldwell gave me and pretend to be the obedient little queen you all wanted me to be."

"Dr. Caldwell..." Ashton murmured.

Beatrice peered back at him. He looked away, his brows furrowed, and his lips puckered thoughtfully.

"I am sorry, Beatrice," Luc said, regaining her attention. "I couldn't have stopped any of that even if I wanted to. Your mother was adamant that you were ill, and she promised you would be better afterwards."

"She had me imprisoned! You didn't even care enough to come see me down there. And I am to believe you honestly love me?" Beatrice rolled her eyes. "No, don't say anything. I would rather not relive those days. Since you know the truth now, yes, I can still use my magic, and I have been using it all these years."

"You call it magic as well?" Luc nodded at Ashton. "He called it the same."

"Beatrice, we need to speak," Ashton urgently said. Beatrice lifted her brows and glanced at him. He stared pleadingly back at her.

"Luc, you must leave," she said, pointing at the door. "If you have any more questions, I will answer them if it prevents you from saying anything to my mother."

Luc lowered his shoulders. "I am not as awful as you believe I am."

"It's far too late for that, Luc."

Although he hovered there for a moment, opening, and closing his mouth, he eventually excused himself and left. Beatrice waited until his footsteps faded into the distance before turning to Ashton. She tried to smile, except his hardened expression made it difficult.

"Has Maribel mentioned anything to you about Warrior Angels?" he asked.

Beatrice merely blinked. 

"She mentioned them to me after I healed her," Ashton continued. "She said angels possess the same abilities we have, and Inferum cantivat believes they blessed you with these abilities. That is why Inferum cantivat calls you the savior."

"I..." Beatrice covered her mouth as she laughed. "That is absolutely a story!"

"Your reaction is similar to the first time I tried to tell you about them."

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