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"YN, you've an exam today. I hope you remember it? All the best, you'll do great."
Seokjin and Bogum showed me their thumbs up and cheered me on for my test on medicines.

"What if a soldier from an enemy team gets wounded and falls in the battle field, what would you do?"
I was done with the written examination. The inspector was checking some on the spot thoughts of the doctor. I just stood there for a few seconds before answering them.

"I'll treat him."
I answered.

"Isn't he our enemy?"

"I'll treat him not as an enemy but as a human. Every soldier swears their life for their motherland. And when he's defeated by us then it's our duty to make their sufferings less. That's how."

"Well done, trainee."

"So, you're finally announced as Dr. YN. Doctor of Captain Kim's unit."
I bowed to them as they made me wear a new nameplate. I rushed outside and hugged my homies.

"You made it, my student."
Seokjin shouted with happiness and we laughed.

"Where's Captain?"

"Maybe in his office?"
I walked to share this news with Namjoon. That's when I'm finally declared as Doctor and I can treat the soldiers. I knocked on the door twice before opening it to find no one.

"Sir, have you seen Captain?"

"I just reported right now, you should ask our guards."

"Sir, do you know where Captain?"

"Actually, it's strange. It's already ten and the Captain still hasn't come to office. All these years of my service, he is always on time."

"We should start searching for him."
I immediately told this to Seokjin and Bogum. Who alerted the unit about Namjoon and we went in different directions. Everyone was worried as he's a genuine officer.



He kicked Namjoon's stomach.

"YN's a trainee girl of my camp—
One solid slap was against Namjoon's cheeks. He was tied with thick rope. Without clothes, his back was full of bruises and marks as someone was hitting him with a steel rod. Namjoon was a tough person, he won't change his words due to any reason.

"Beat him, beat him until all the blood from his body is removed."

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