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My body was giving up. My face was getting all sweaty and shivering over my body. I couldn't even stand, my legs were getting numb and senseless. I can't even breathe, my lungs are too giving up.

"How many times, I've repeat it?"
Our soldier coach, once again shouted on me. I was constantly messing up the practice and doing it completely wrong. It's not fault though, I've never did these type of harsh training. I would believe that, if this continues, I might die very soon.

After giving a demo session, Captain left the ground, handling this to one of the well trained soldier. I was requesting him to show me more or atleast guide me slowly. But no, he is just scolding me, infront of everyone.

"She can't do this."
I heard, one of them whispering to eachother. I was climbing on the rope. I tried of good five-six times, but it isn't getting me. Which made them, more laugh on me.

"You're so stupid."
He retorted back, almost screamed on me. I couldn't help but eventually let the rope go off my hands and fall on my knees.

"Stop acting, you woman."
They bullied me, if I was my old Yn state, I would curse them so much. Well, I could still, but in my mouth, bastards!

"Sir, I can't do this."
My tears unwilling fall from my eyes. Seokjin and Bogum, might have helped me with these crazy guys but they've already crossed their level up and doing other portions of practice.

I wish, Captain suddenly visit here, so that I can tell him, my situation. I still don't know, how will he react but, he would surely guide me better than this Hitler.

"Complete fast, we don't have whole day."
I'm crying, pleading and what not more, he still isn't agreeing to me. I wiped off my tears and decided to talk with him. I tried to stood up but groans left from my mouth as my legs were having logs.

"Sir, can I just take a break for few minutes, please?"
I went to him and requested it, his expression are still tough, like he'll burst on me, anytime soon.

He replied. I hissed in pain.

"But, I can't do this, these my hands are already bruised."
I tried to show him.

"Not my fault."
He asserted. Now, I've to fight with him.

"You're are not guiding properly."
I complaint, he was just standing there and commanding me.

"You're are punished."
He monotonously said, I asked the reason.

"For back answering the coach and not doing the practice."
He stated, I was about to say something, but black dots appeared in my eyes.

"Miss Park, please open your eyes."
That's Kim's voice.

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