Chapter 12: Vaggie (part 4)

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Hello everyone! This chapter is a little longer than usual. I hope you don't mind!

They stood Infront of the hotel. Vaggie looked at the place she called home. Or used to at least.

The hotel didn't look much different since they had been redeemed. Maybe a little bit more run down and empty.

They stood at the door staring at it knowing that when they knocked there was no way back. Charlie would forever hate them.

She heard Angel Dust sigh and reached over her to knock on the door. A moment later Vaggie heard footsteps in the hallway. She wondered who would answer. Charlie or Alastor? Alastor or Charlie? Who did she want to see first? Before she could think of a answer the door opened to reveal... Lucifer?

Charlie's father stood at the door and took a moment to take in who we were. When he remembered the colour in his face drained.

'You're..... You're Charlie's friends.' He said. He didn't really seem to know what else to say.

'Hello Sir, We're here to... see Charlie.' I say. It doesn't seem very convincing and he looks at us suspiciously.

He didn't ask any more questions though. 'Of course. Charlie's upstairs. She was...'

'We know.' Angel interrupts.

'Oh yes of course. Obviously.' Lucifer replies awkwardly.

He leads us upstairs to the room I had shared with Charlie before getting redeemed.

'So no new guests?' Cherri Bomb asks looking around the very empty hotel. While the outside of the hotel still looked okay the inside was empty and the air held a lonely feeling.

'No. It's just been Charlie and Alastor.' He said. Vaggie noticed that he didn't seem to say Alastor's name with hatred anymore. Had they made amends?

Lucifer showed us to the door and told us to take it easy on Charlie. She was still recovering.

He walked back downstairs and left us standing Infront of the door. Just behind it was Charlie lying in bed maybe wondering who was at the door and why it was taking so long.

Husk who was holding Niffty put her down. Immediately she ran into the room unaware of what was really happening.

'Niffty no!' Angel whispered but it was too late. He ran in after her with Husk following them. Cherri takes Sir Pentious hand and they walk back. Vaggie stands at the door. Could she do it? She sighed and walked in before fear changed her mind.

They all just stood there as Charlie comprehend what was happening. Vaggie looks over at Alastor standing next to Charlie's bed. He glares at us as if he knows why we're really here. He looks different. He isn't smiling. Is that even possible. He walks out.

I can't wait any longer. I run forwards and hug her.

'Oh Charlie, I missed you so much.' I say. I feel tears slip down Charlie's cheeks onto my shoulder. A moment later the others join in on the hug. We all stay there heap on top of one another.

'How did you...' Charlie starts before Angel Dust interrupts again.

'It took alot of persuasion but with Emily's help we convinced Emily to let us see you one more time.' He explains the story we made up together. She looked at us speechless as if she couldn't believe that we'd done that for her.

'Your dad told us what happened. Your mother's a bitch.' Cherri Bomb says. Another lie but it was better that Charlie didn't know that we know what happened.

'Oh you guys.... I can't explain how happy I am to see you.' Charlie says. We all sit and talk for hours in our... Charlie's room.

She tells us about her meeting with Heaven and how it didn't go well. We all act surprised and comfort her. We tell her about our lives in Heaven trying to not make it sound too good. I still think she's a little sad that we're so happy up there. I wish I could tell her that I would rather be here with her. That I loved her more than anything.

Eventually Lucifer called them to come downstairs for dinner. Me and Cherri Bomb helped Charlie up but she seemed to be able to move herself. We sat at the table telling each other funny stories through mouthfuls of delicious food. But somewhere in the back of Vaggie's mind there was the hard truth. This wouldn't last forever. In fact it was almost over.

Much to her disappointment dinner ended and they made thier way to the lounge. Charlie excused herself to the toilet. Vaggie looked at her girlfriend one more time knowing that when she got back she would have to destroy their relationship.

In the few minutes that Charlie was gone the mood changed. They were all nervous for what was coming. Lucifer and Alastor noticed and it made them nervous too. Lucifer sat silent and awkwardly not really knowing what to say or do. Alastor looked at all of them in turn suspicious.

When Charlie returns she looks confused at the sudden mood change. She doesn't sit down but looks around confused.

'So Alastor, you don't smile anymore these days?' Husk asks in an attempt to change the mood. It fails.

'Charlie, why don't you sit down?' Angel Dust says calmly.

Charlie sits next to her father looking at him. 'What's going on?' She asks with worry in her voice. He looks at her worried.

'Charlie.... You know I hate lying to you.' I say. She's sitting across from me so I have to look her in the eyes. I hate the confusion and worry in her eyes.

'Vaggie, What's going on?' She asks. In that moment my heart breaks for her. Her life will never be the same. Vaggie knew Alastor and Lucifer would look after her. She knew Charlie was strong. She would get through this.

We all look at eachother. . 'Charlie you know I love you right?' I ask her. I need to know she knows that before I break her heart.

'Of course.' Charlie says. I try not to cry.

There's a reason we're here Charlie.' I say. My heart is beating out my chest.

'What?' She asks even more confused than before.

I hold back my tears. Charlie, we came here to warn you. You need to stop this. This hotel. It's never going to work. You need to give up. It's... It's stupid.' I say.

I see the pain in Charlie's eyes as her world shatters. She looks at the others and they nod in agreement. All the sadness leaves her eyes as they turn red and her horns grow out her head.

'Why should I listen to you?' She snarles. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

'Charlie please we only want what's best for you.' I pleaded. She look at the others again. They all looked at her in fear. Fear she would kill them right then and there. If she was being honest Vaggie was also afraid.

'Do you even care about me? About my feelings? My dreams?' Charlie screams at me her flying up.

'Of course Charlie! Right guys?' Vaggie says looking at the others for help. They nod in fear.

'No you don't you-' Before Charlie can finish her sentence she falls down to the ground in a heap.

'Charlie!' Lucifer shouts running over to her. He turns to me his eyes turning red and horns identical to Charlie's grow out his scalp.

'What did you do to her?' He shouts at us.

'Nothing! we-' Angel Dust starts but Lucifer interrupts him.

'GET THE FUCK OUT!' He shouts at all of us pointing his cane towards the door before picking Charlie up in his arms and carrying her upstairs.

We all stand there frozen in fear.

'If I still had my powers I would end you.' Alastor says. There's no radio voice or smile but it's still the scariest threat Vaggie had ever gotten.

They didn't need telling twice when a portal appeared.

Well I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned!

Hazbin Hotel-Alone in hell Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang