Chapter 4: Vaggie (part 1)

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Vaggie stared at her untouched drink knowing she would not drink one sip of it. She didn't even know what she had ordered.

'Hey Vaggie are you going to finish that?' Angel Dust asked. Vaggie silently pushed the drink towards him.

'Anthony!' Molly said glaring at him.

'What? She's not going to drink it.' Angel responded.

'It's fine Molly. I wasn't going to drink it.' Vaggie said.

Molly didn't say anything else but shoke her head in disbelief as her brother sip from his second drink.

When Vaggie had entered Heaven and found her friends she found that they had barley changed. Except now they all wore white. Sir Pentious who had been redeemed first had already befriended  Emily. Angel Dust was the next to be redeemed. He had found his sister Molly and they were now inseparable. After Angel had been redeemed, Husk seemed quite keen to be redeemed too. Even though they hadn't admitted it yet Angel and Husk were obviously a couple. Cherri bomb had gone after them. Now she and Pentious were also a couple. Surprisingly Nifty was also redeemed and finally Vaggie followed.

There had been no sign of Alastor of Charlie which wasn't surprising. The last person who would be able to redeem themselves was Alastor and Charlie could probably not be redeemed because she was Lucifer's daughter.

Vaggie hoped Charlie was still fighting for her hotel and not mourning her friends. Yes Vaggie was happy she had been redeemed. It proved that fallen angels could be redeemed but she would much rather be in hell with Charlie. There wasn't much she could do about it though.

When Angel had finished his drink they paid and left. You could live wherever you wanted with whoever you wanted in heaven so they all lived together in a big house.

When they got home they found a nervous Emily sitting at the table. Emily didn't live with them but she might as well. Everyone loved her and she spent every free moment she had with them. She had a key to thier house and everything. If they weren't home Emily was always welcome to wait inside if she wanted.

'Emily, Whatssss wrong?' Sir Pentious asked worried. Emily wasn't nervous that often.

'Me and Sera just spoke with Lucifer. It's about Charlie.' She says. Vaggie sits across from Emily.

'What's wrong with Charlie? Is she ok?' Vaggie asks.

'Charlie's fine from what I heard. She wants to.... stop the exterminations. She's coming to Heaven tomorrow for another meeting. Lute isn't happy with it. She's going to try everything to stop Charlie. I'm scared Charlie's going to get hurt.' Emily says.

They all toke a moment to look at each other. She knew it! She knew Charlie wouldn't sit by and do nothing. But Emily was right. Stopping the exterminations was going to be much harder and now Charlie was all alone. Well she has Alastor but Vaggie didn't know how much help he could be. Then Vaggie realised that Charlie was coming here. Here to Heaven where all her friends were. She could see Charlie again!

'Will we be able to see her?' Vaggie asks.

'I'm sorry Vaggie but she won't be here long and she'll probably want to spend all her time in Heaven smartly. But I promise I'll make she's ok.' Emily says.

Vaggie felt like crying. Charlie would be so close and she wouldn't be able to see her. 'Emily, is there anyway we can see Charlie? Just see her?' Vaggie asks.

Emily thinks for a moment. 'I could sneak you to the door but that's the best I can do.' She says.

That was enough for Vaggie. 'That would  be perfect. Thank you Emily.' She said.

Emily had to leave but promised to come and help them tomorrow.

Once she was gone Husk spoke up. 'Vaggie, I know you want to see Charlie but I don't think it's such a good idea.'

'You do what you want Husk but I'm going to see Charlie.' Vaggie responses.

Though they all wanted to see Charlie they agreed that it would be too risky for them all to go. Together they decided that Vaggie, Angel Dust, Niffty and Sir Pentious would go see Charlie. The rest would stay home.

That night Vaggie could barely sleep. She was going to see her girlfriend tomorrow.

Hazbin Hotel-Alone in hell Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin