Chapter 8: The return

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Hi everyone! Oh my gosh I'm so excited for this chapter!!! This is definitely my favourite part in the whole story and I can't wait for you guys to read it!!!! I should probably warn you to grab some tissues because this is a very emotional chapter. Anyway I really hope you enjoy!!!! (Sorry in advance)

Charlie hung up the phone and set it down on her nightstand. She lay under the bedsheets crying. The meeting had only been a day ago but she still couldn't believe that she had failed.

How could she have been so stupid to think that Heaven would ever stop the exterminations? And with Lute in the picture Charlie knew she would never succeed with the hotel.

Hours pass and Charlie still doesn't get up. There's a knock on Charlie's bedroom door. She looks up confused and looks at her phone. It's 4:37. She wasn't expecting anyone yet. Standing behind the door is Alastor with his usual smile and cane in his hand.

'What is it Alastor?' Charlie asks her voice horse. She knew she was being rude but she didn't really feel like Alastor games.

'I came to comfort you my dear! I had a meeting with the overlords that took longer than expected but I came back as soon as possible. How are feeling?' He asks.

'Just great.' Charlie says sarcasticly.

'Now, now don't let those angels get you down. You still have a chance to stop them!' Alastor responses.

'Alastor did you hear anything Sera said?' Charlie asks.

'I did Indeed! And if I remember correctly she said you could continue your redemption project and prove that it could replace exterminations!'

'Yeah, if I can redeem as many souls as they can kill. I can never do that! Lute was right, I'll never find enough sinners for the hotel.'

Alastor's smile fades and in that moment Charlie knew that she would never succeed. She thanks Alastor for his help and closes the door.

She slumps back onto her bed. If only she could see her friends. Vaggie would comfort her and tell her everything would be ok. Sir Pentious and Nifty would attempt to make cookies. Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb would try to cheer her up with alcohol and drugs.

She missed them all so much. If only she had seen them in Heaven. Charlie hoped they were having a good time in Heaven.

There's another knock at her door. It's Alastor again.

'Sorry to disturb you but you have a visitor.' Alastor says. He has a strange look on his face. Is it fear? What could Alastor be afraid of?

Charlie made her way downstairs and opens the door. The whole world seems to stop in that moment. In front of her the woman she had grown to despise. Her face the same as all those years ago.

'Mum?' Charlie says quietly.

'Hello Charlie.' Her mother says. She isn't smiling. She just stares at Charlie.

Charlie didn't know how she would react to this moment but she wasn't expecting this. She didn't feel happy or relieved. She felt... angry and disappointed. She didn't want to jump into her mother's arms like she dreamed every night. She wanted to slam the door in her face.

'Charlie, I know you probably don't want to talk to me but please just hear me out.' Her mother says. Her eyes well with tears and she reaches forward to place her hand on Charlie's face.

Charlie slaps her hand away. 'Where did you go? Why did you leave?' She asks.

'I left to protect you.' She responses.

'Mum you left me all on my own. Dad wasn't there for me then because of you. I was all alone and you just left me and now you expect me to forgive you?'

'I know Charlie. I know you hate me but please listen to me. You can't continue this.... Project. Hotel. It's dangerous. Please trust me.' Her mother says.

The pieces click into place. 'You work for Heaven don't you? You left for Heaven.' Charlie says. Her mother's silence says everything. 'I can't believe you. You promised to protect this place. To protect sinners. And then you just left to work for Heaven.'

'Charlie please listen to me. I had no choice. I-' Her mother stops talking and looks down. There through her stomach is a sharp silver point.

Her mother turns around and Charlie follows with her eyes. Behind her mother stands her father his red eyes filled with fury.

'How dare you. How dare you leave our daughter and return just to say she has to give up her only dream.' he shouts.

'Lucif-' She says but her father interrupts.

'Don't you dare. You don't deserve me and you certainly don't deserve Charlie. Your not part of this family anymore and never will be.'

At that moment her mother slumps against the wall of the hotel.

'Please.' She whispers as the life slowly drains out of her eyes. She lays lifeless against the wall.

'Dad.' Is all Charlie manages to say before everything fades to black.

That was so fun to write I really hope you enjoyed it!!!! I don't really know what else to say so till next week I guess!

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