Chapter 2: The plan's starting

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Charlie had cleared her pin board and put up everything she knew about redemption and the extermination. Sinners could be redeemed and the extermination happens every six months.

The next extermination was in a couple of months so she had to be smart about this. Charlie would need all the help she could get.

Her first thought was Alastor but he didn't have a phone and she didn't know where he was so there was no way to contact him. Then she thought of her father. She hadn't heard from him since the fight and he was probably very busy.
Who else could she ask? Someone who was smart and would support her ideas.

She picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts. For a second she wondered what would happen if she called her friends but they probably wouldn't answer. Did they even have phones in heaven?

Charlie finally found what she was looking for. She clicked on the small phone button and waiting as it rung. After three rings they picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello Rosie? It's Charlie." She says.

"Charlie! How are you my dear? How's the hotel?" Rosie says warmly.

"I'm good thank you. Um could I come see you?" Charlie asks nervously.

"Of course Charlie! Come on by!" Rosie answers happily.

An hour later Charlie finds herself sitting across from Rosie drinking pink tea.

"So Charlie what can I do for you?" Rosie asks.

Charlie explains how all her friends have been redeemed, that she wants heaven to stop the exterminations and that she needs help.

"Oh Charlie I'm so glad you asked me and I would love to take up your offer but I'm just too busy. Can't you ask Alastor?" Rosie asks.

"He's never around the hotel anymore." Charlie says sadly.

"Oh dear don't worry! I'll have a word with Alastor. You get back to the hotel and do what you can." Rosie responses.

When Charlie gets back to the hotel she starts cleaning. If she can stop the exterminations she'll need guest in her hotel. By the end of the day she's cleaned the whole hotel. Not long after that Alastor comes home.

As Charlie makes her way downstairs she hears Alastor rummaging around in the kitchen. He comes out with two plates: one with leftovers and one with a deer's head.

"Charlie! I heard about your idea from Rosie. It sounds as ridiculous as the last one but you managed to make it work so let's hope you succeed again." He says setting the plates down on the table. He sits down and starts eating. Charlie follows suit.

"You mean you'll help me?" Charlie asks.

"Of course my dear! I've grown quite fond of you and one could do without the exterminations." He answers.

Charlie is filled with happiness that her last friend is still on her side. The next day Alastor helps Charlie think of a plan. Charlie finally has to accept that she will need her father's help.

If she wants to make this work the best thing she can do is talk to heaven. And to get to heaven she would need her father. She decided not to put it off. She finds her dad in her contacts and calls him. It takes a while before he picks up.

"HEY CHARLIE!" Her dad shouts through the phone. He always answers the phone... Interestingly.

"Hey dad... Um I know you're probably busy but I need your help." Charlie says nervously.

"Of course! Is it for the hotel?" Her father asks enthusiastically.

"Well... could you come over?" What Charlie really wanted was her father's support and she actually really wanted to see him.

"Of course I'll be right over!" She hung up and looked at her pin board. The next stage of her plan was about to start.

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