Chapter 36 - VAN📖

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Being alone may have been comfortable to me, always, but when I stand in the wings of AWE's stage in the middle of campus center....

I find a different sort of comfort. One that includes waiting to give a performance in front of a thousand people. The comfort tells me that I'm at the right place, that becoming a performer was the path I needed to take.

My parents and Ryan, also in the crowd, motivate me as well. I draw the members together. "All we wanted was to debut," I tell them. My voice comes out strong, thanks to my thousands of times resisting the curse—like lifting a dumbbell, easier each time. "And this is our chance. I know when we got together, we never imagined we would face anything supernatural.... but I think we're capable. Not to be wizards or anything, but to continue creating. We have three songs and a shot to really make our universe real. Let's do our best. Yeah?"

"Yeah!" Corrin answers.

"Well said," Kaden says.

We put our hands together, huddling close as Allen's group goes out on stage. His boy band, coming after Paula and Jason's co-ed group, will be the last group before the Apple Hair finale.

Allen and his boys hit a rock song, traveling across the stage in wide steps that remind me of elephants. They do show a massive amount of energy though, and the crowd cheers for them with delight.

UH Manoa's campus center, full to the brim with a standing audience, holds the crowd all throughout the staircase to the food court, spilling in every direction to the various classroom buildings. The stage, right in the center by the famous tree, also has a giant screen that lets everyone see more clearly. I watch Allen's face as he pants during the closing of his group's song.

Merlin Kim comes out on stage, dressed in a red aloha shirt and designer jeans. He says, "Now I want to welcome a group that's been making the headlines. Whether you saw them in your dreams or on their fan cafe... please join me in welcoming Apple Hair! The thunderous applause mixes with a foreboding in the background. The sky, filling in with a bit of gray, reminds me that the ghost is always watching. Can't that thing leave us alone for a second?

I ascend the stage first, dressed in a bright pastel outfit—light blue jeans and a pink t-shirt. My members, dressed similarly, stand out bright against the black stage. I raise my microphone. "Hey everyone, we're Apple Hair!" My voice comes out a bit wobbly, but I steady it while thinking about what's at stake.

The members all introduce themselves, leaving me last.

"And I'm Van Le. Today we've prepared three songs for you. Are you ready to get lit?"

It was Seiya's idea to include the last line. I refuse to cringe at myself.

"Yes!" the crowd yells. Some people whistle, while others bark like dogs or make noises that I can't quite describe besides the excitement.

I take the center position for our first song. "Spring in Fall" was composed by all five of us, a bright pop song with a fast choreography that feels like running.

"We were always meant to be in spring," I sing, making sure my voice comes out steady. "Now we're fall, fall, falling."

The song describes a breakup, but also the possibility of finding a new season, a new start. I hope Leo's watching. Watching us kill the stage, that is. I don't know if he feels jealous or resentful, but I hope he's a bit pissed as well.

The choreography of the first song should tire me, but I remember the hours toiling over our routines with Armani. It feels natural. I put more energy into it, changing the vibe from practice to something that people want to see, to admire.

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