Chapter 6 - VAN📖

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I don't believe in God. I know... that's hardly offensive these days.

But after devouring my food from 7-Eleven, which always hits by the way, I watch David as he prays at the threshold to our bedroom. I think about the voice we all heard, the one that seemed to come from an evil power. Maybe David's doing the right thing.

"Do you think we'll get attacked or anything?" Corrin says.

"I don't think so," I say, partly for myself to believe. "This... thing could just be a fluke."

Even as I say the words, I know they aren't true. Apple Hair forming into an official group caused this ghost to come out of nowhere, like some sort of flying fish. And as the leader, I should be doing my part to find the cause, or at least the remedy.

I guess I'm not a good leader. I end up burying my nose into one of my favorite novels. I lose myself in a world of dragons and knights, staying up later than any of the other guys as they turn in one by one. I squint to see the words from a tiny light attachment that my best friend Nick gave me.

And when no mysterious voice comes to disturb me, I let myself believe—we're safe. There's no way something or someone can break apart Apple Hair so easily.


The next day, I wake up the boys after downing my vitamins. Shar picks us up on time, as we go straight into dance practice with Armani Bera.

"As you all know, the monthly evaluation is coming up soon," she says. "It'll be your first monthly evaluation as a group. I want you guys to kill it!"

As she says "kill," I expect something strange to happen, but nothing does. Too soon, I guess? Armani grins at me and then begins to talk about the song we're dancing to for the evaluation. She executes another dance sequence flawlessly, and then begins to help us follow along.

Since AWE Entertainment was inspired by K-pop companies, we follow their blueprint pretty closely. That means lots of practice—hours and hours dedicated to the perfect movement and vocal run. If I knew what I was signing up for, I would've probably tried to negotiate less dancing for me. Hah—I think I may be the worst dancer out of the five of us.

After my left leg feels like it's going to break, Armani ends the dance practice. She tells us that Merlin Kim reserved the cafeteria for an executive from Tokyo. So we have to have lunch elsewhere. Shar picks us up and drives us to the mall. On the way there, the boys try to catch some rest and Shar hums a tune that's soothing and comforting.

The drive is short. Since I'm shotgun, I turn to Shar and use my only-for-our-ears voice. I'd say I do it pretty well. I whisper, "What do I do if it seems like something bad is out to get me and the boys?"

Shar raises an eyebrow. With black and gray hair and a strong brow, she turns and gives me one of her kind stares. Her eyes, dark brown with a hint of hazel, seem to sparkle. "You're going to have to be more specific than that, Van."

Shar's half Native Hawaiian and half black, and she was chosen as our manager one month ago. Shar's always made me feel safe.

As we drive, Shar hums when I don't answer. Then, while turning the wheel toward Ala Moana's parking garage, she says, "Don't worry about anything. I'll keep you guys safe."

She says it with such certainty that I believe her. With Shar, maybe the guys and I don't have to face the voices alone. Or the voice—not entirely sure how to describe everything that happened yesterday.

"What do you guys want?" Shar says, raising her voice to wake up the four guys behind me. "Jollibee? Sandwiches, bentos? I'll pick them all up so you can sleep."

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