Chapter 14

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Elinor stood infront of her mirror, her reflection looking back at her. Today was her engagement ball yet Elinor's green dress laid untouched on the bed.

Wearing a pair of black leather pants, white shirt and a black corset over it, Eli was ready for her flight with Aemond. She looked just like a Targaryen, only she lacked the white hair and violet eyes.

She was overjoyed yet so nervous at the same time, she never flew on a dragon nor had she even thought of before she asked Aemond about it.

Aemond walked into the chamber, "Eli" Elinor sighed and turned to Aemond, "Do I look ok?" Aemond stared at Elinor, she looked breathtaking but he would never admit that.

Well at least not now.

"You look great... beautiful actually" Aemond said still looking at her, Elinor nodded and looked behind Aemond towards the door.

"Has anyone arrived yet?" Aemond shrugged, "A few Lords and Ladies none of the great houses yet. So we have to make it a hour flight."


As the two arrived at Rhaenys Hill, Vhagar lifted his head and walked towards his rider, "T's only I. Be calm. We're going a short ride ok."

Eli watched as dragon and rider had their little moment until Aemond reached a hand out for Elinor to take, which she gladly did.

Pulling Eli closer, Aemond placed her hand on Vhagar's cheek, his hand over her's. A smile crept to Elinor's face as she rubbed Vhagar's cheek.

"Come" Aemond whispered, he took her hand and led her to his saddle, "Lykiri, Dohearas Vhagar" Vhagar slowly lowered his body, Aemond to grab on the rope ladder.

Aemond begun climbing up to his saddle, Elinor climbing up after. The saddle was huge almost big enough to saddle three but just enough room for two to sit comfortably.

Aemond comfortablly sat, Elinor behind him holding onto his waist for dear life, her excitement had vanished and her body was will with nerves, she was terrified.

"Sorves!" Vhagar walked a flew steps, his wings begun flapping and soon the two was in the air. Elinor closed her eyes and tightly held onto him, "You can look Elinor. You will not fall and if you do I will be there to catch you."

The view of Kingslanding was magnificent in the air than is was in her chamber windows. Eli tightly held Aemond waist as they flee around Kingslanding and even close enough to see High Tide.

Where Aemond lost his eye.

Elinor shook off all the bad energy and enjoyed the ride and view she had with Aemond, "I have a gift for you" Elinor smiled, "For me?"

Aemond nodded and lifted his boot, he took out a dagger that had a green ribbon around it, "It's a dagger, made of Valyrian steel."

"Aemond, how did you-" Elinor took the dagger from Aemond's hand, inspecting it. It truly was beautiful.

As the hour went by, Vhagar circled around Rhaenys Hill, ready to land, but as they landed a carriage was spotted awaiting them.

Vhagar landed just behind the Sept and the duo dismounted the dragon. At the carriage Alicent stood with her hands crossed and she was clearly angry at the two.

"Mother..." Aemond started but Alicent cut him short, "People have gathered and have been waiting for the passed thirty minutes for the two of you. What were you thinking?"

Elinor lowered her head, "Aemond you are becoming reckless, just like your brother. At least he made it to the ball."

Elinor felt bad, she was the one to ask him, she needed to take the blame, "It was I. I asked for a ride on Vhagar, if you need to blame anyone, blame me."

"Elinor..." Alicent shook her head and the looked at the two, very disappointed and walked into the carriage. Aemond and Elinor shared a look and followed the Queen.


The entire ride back Alicent reprimanded the pair, stating that they were lucky none of the great houses had come or that Rhaenyra hadn't been their yet, to which Alicent was clearly greatful for.

After quickly undressing and got into her green dress, she unbraided her single messy braid that hung over her shoulder and pulled back two strands of hair, leaving curls to frame her face.

The dress brought out every curve the young girl had gotten the passed few years. Suddenly the doors opened, when Eli turned around, their Aemond stood.

Aemond wore a plain black pants with a red tunic, a green dragon in the middle. His hair was fastened to the back as it always was.


"Mother said I am to escort you to the ball" Aemond said, his eyes scanned her body, she looked beautiful. He smiled to himself.

"You look nice" Eli said walking up to him, "Thank you" he said and stretched out his arm for her to take.

Eli looked down to her dress, was something wrong with her appearance that Aemond couldn't compliment her?

Sighing, Eli took his arm and walked down the corridors with him.

The walk was completely silent and Eli hated it, as did Aemond but none of them knew what to say. "How many people are there?"

Aemond chuckled nervously, "A lot, almost every house is here even Tully. Your grandsire is here, as is Rhaenyra."

Elinor had never met her family from her mother's side, she thought they didn't even want to see her, that they hated her as her father did.

Eli nodded and continued walking down the corridors. The sound of music and conversation getting louder as they reached the throne room.

"I did enjoy the ride."

"And you did not have to take the blame for me."

"I know."

A smile crept to Aemond's face. The two reached the doors and stopped infront of them. Aemond's eye scanned her body once more, "You're beautiful."

A tint of red could be see on Elinor's face as she blushed as Aemonds words, "Thank you Ae-" Eli was interrupted when Aemond pressed his lips against her.

Before Elinor could even enjoy the kiss, Aemond's pulled away, "What was that for?" Eli said with a smile of her face, "For strength and to scare away any nerves."

Elinor rolled her eyes playfully and turned towards the door, "I only need you."

The doors opened, Aemond laced his hand with Elinor's, "Prince Aemond Targaryen and his betrothed Lady Elinor Strong" Criston announced and the couple walked down the stairs to the ball.

The first to greet the pair was a happy looking Alicent, she gave Elinor a motherly hug, to which Elinor gladly returned.

"Elinor dear, you look beautiful" Elinor held a nervous smile of her face as she nodded to Alicent, "Thank you as do you."

Alicent chuckled, "I have someone to introduce you to" Alicent looked to Aemond who still tightly held Elinor's hand. Elinor turned to him, gave him a nod and followed Alicent to the mystery person.

"He is family, so do not stutter or say anything stupid" Elinor chuckled, "I promise I will not" Alicent nodded and led Elinor to an elderly man that stood with a middle aged woman.

The man turned and smiled to the queen, "Your grace" the man bowed followed by the woman, who Elinor assumed was his wife and a man that looked to be in his twenties.

"We are honored to have you, Lord Grover" Alicent said, "It is our pleasure. Who might this young lady be" The woman asked, her eyes scanned the red hair and blue eyes and saw a reflection of her late daughter.

"This, my Lord and Lady, is your granddaughter, Lady Elinor Strong. Elinor this is your grandparents, Lord Grover and Lady Reina."

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