Chapter 4

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TW:physical abuse

"How do you kiss someone?" Aemond asked as he entered Aegon's bed chamber.

Aegon laid naked in his bed, far too drunk to talk about kissing, "What Aemond get out" Aegon threw a pillow at him.

Luckily Aemond dodged it, "Aegon" Aemond whined and sat on his bed, shaking him rapidly, "Tell me. I need to know."

Aegon sighed, "Fine" Aegon groaned and sat up, moving the blanket over his naked body, "What happened to your hair."

Aegon's hair had little braids all around his head, "Eli braided it. She said I looked more prince-like"

Aemond chuckled and crossed his legs looking to Aegon happily, "So, how do you kiss someone?"

Aegon rubbed his forehead, "Who do you want to kiss?"



"I like her."

Aegon shook his head and sighed, "First you place your lips over her's. Done that's how you kiss."

Aemond's smile dropped, "That's it" Aegon shook his head and fell back, "Yip, now get out."

"No wonder mother and father don't kiss" Aemond muttered and walked out the room.


The following day, Elinor and Aemond sat under the Wierwood tree, Aemond sitting crossed legs and Eli resting her head upon them.

"Va-la" Eli said slowly, Aemond brought a High Valyrian book with them and tried to teach Eli some High Valyrian.

"Vala" Aemond repeated, Eli nodded, "Vala" She said again looking to Aemond for confirmation if she said it right.

Aemond nodded to her and Eli gave him a toothy smile, "What does it mean?"



Aemond nodded his and looked down to the book once again, "Umm" he's eyes scanned the page until getting a harder word.


Eli raised an eyebrow, "What does it mean?" Aemond's eyes went from the book then to hers, "Please" he whispered.

A smile crept to Eli's face, "Koslitus" she tried saying but failed, Aemond chuckled at her attempt.

"Kostilus" Aemond corrected, smiling in the process which made Elinor smile, "Kostilus."

Eli's eyes went from Aemond's to the clouds that passed them, her thoughts drifted to her father.

Her smile fell.

"What bothers you?" Aemond asked as he closed the book and leaned back, "Does your father love you?"

Aemond was taken aback by this, Viserys was an old prick in Aemond's eyes, he couldn't care less about him.

"I am not sure. But mother's love is enough. Does your father love you?"

Eli's picked at her nails, she didn't know if Larys loved her, but she knew he didn't hate her, or did he?

Aemond noticed Elinor picking at her nails, something he knew his mother does when she was worried or nervous.

He placed his hand over her's, "Elinor" he whispered making her look at him.

"I think he does, but can't show me."

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