Chapter 7

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Word had spread rapidly of the death of Lady Laena and the fire at Harrenhall, which unfortunately killed Harwin and Lyonel.

Elinor was devastated, her grandfather was dead, her uncle was dead, someone who would've protected her was dead.

And Larys was Lord of Harrenhall.

Eli wore a plain black dress with the necklace Harwin had gifted her, tears fell down her cheeks and she sniffled every now and then. With each sniffle Alicent pulled her closer from under her arm.

Harwin and Lyonel's funeral would be the next day, Eli and the royal family were present for Lady Laena's funeral.

Velaryon guards readied Laena's body as Vaemond spoke. Eli couldn't understand anything Vaemond had said, but her eyes remained of Laena's body.

Looking at Laena, she thought of her uncle, how he was probably screaming and burning, how her grandfather must've been screaming for Harwin to escape.

Eli snapped out of her trance when Daemon began laughing to what Vaemond had said. Her eyes drifted to Daemon's then to Rhaenyra.

Jace and Luke stood on either side of Rhaenyra, who had her arms over them, the same way Alicent had her arm over Elinor.

Jace had dried tear stained cheeks and Eli wandered how he must be feeling. Harwin was his father, but she didn't know if he knew.


After the funeral, everyone gathered together, dragons sat upon the cliffs above the gathering. Everyone gave their sympathies to Rhaenys.

Eli stood with Alicent, Larys glaring at the two. Eli tugged on Alicent's green dress, "What is it dear" Alicent squatted down.

"I should be at Harrenhall mourning Ser Harwin and Lord Lyonel" Eli said sadly, Alicent offered her a sad smile and kissed her cheeks "We will go on the morrow. But today we pay our respects to Lady Laena. Perhaps you could find Aemond and Aegon."

Eli sighed and nodded looking around for the Targaryen siblings. Watching out for any green clothing, Eli found them behind the food table.

Making her way there, Eli bumped into Jace. He looked just as sad as her and she offered a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry...about Harwin" she whispered to him, Jace was shocked, how did she know? "How did you-"

"Uncle told me or rather, I overheard."

"You have an equal claim to sympathy, Harwin was your uncle" Jace said and looked down, Elinor smiled sadly, "I'm going to Harrenhall tomorrow, you can come too."

Jace beamed but soon his smile faded, "I cannot, mother said the Velaryons are our Kin and the Strong's are not."

"I'll always be your cousin Jace" Eli whispered and walked off to Aemond and Aegon.

Eli didn't know she was betrothed to Aemond, as a matter of fact, no one knew, not even Aemond and Alicent hadn't even decided yet.

Yet Aegon and Helaena were betrothed.

"I would perform my duty, if mom had only betrothed Elinor and I" Aemond said as he looked to Helaena but he was thinking of Elinor.

Eli took Aegon's cup as she approached them and placed it in a nearby table, then made her way to stand between the two boys.

"You two gossip like woman" Eli said rolling her eyes, "Helaena and I are betrothed" Aegon said annoyingly, Eli looked from Helaena, who sat in the ground, to Aegon.

"She's too good for you. She deserves better" Eli said and Aegon opened his mouth in shock and Aemond snorted.

Eli giggled and sat next to Helaena, "Hand turns loom. Spools of Green, Spools of Black. Dragons, weaving dragons of thread" Helaena whispered.

Eli didn't understand anything that Helaena said, "Hela?" Eli placed a hand on Helaena's should which resulted in Helaena stiffening.

Helaena turned around to face Elinor, who had a sad smile on her face. Helaena relaxed and smiled at Eli, "Eli. I found a spider."

Elinor looked between Helaena's hands, "I'm sorry, about Ser Harwin" Helaena whispered, resulting in Elinor to sigh.

"It's ok."

"She's your future queen" Eli heard Aemond say and rolled her eyes, how could they just talk about Helaena like that.

After Aegon left, Aemond joined the two girls, "Eli, Helaena, come. We are going somewhere" Aemond said and grabbed the two girls hands.

Elinor giggled as she stood up but they quickly stopped, feeling Helaena not following them, "Helaena, what's wrong?"

"I think I'll go to my chambers" she whispered, Eli nodded, gave Helaena a hug and followed after Aemond to where Jace stood near a small fire.

"Jace" Elinor said upon arriving, "How are Baela and Rhaena?" She asked turning to the two girls hugging Princess Rhaenys.

"They're fine, just sad" Aemond came behind the two, he wanted to say something to Jace, he wanted to say something nice but just gave him a smile and walked off.

"I think I should go after him. Bye Jace."


Eli was fast asleep when Jace and Luke snuck in her chambers, Baela and Rhaena following after.

"Eli, Eli" Jace whispered as he shook her awake, "What?" Eli lifted her head and rubbed her eyes, "Someone stole Vhagar."

"Jace, you cannot steal a dragon. Go back to bed" Eli said waving them away, Jace sighed and walked away, "Close the door on the way out."

Baela rolled her eyes and shut the door, Eli falling back to sleep, but not for long as a few minutes later Alicent came rushing in.

"Elinor, dear. Something has happened to Aemond" Eli slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes once more, "What? What's happened?"

"Something happened to Aemond dear" Alicent repeated, now Eli was fully awake, she grabbed her gown and walked out with Alicent.

Arriving at the hall, Eli saw Aegon and Helaena standing near the fire. She rushed to them, "Helaena, what's happened?"

Helaena shook her head her eyes remaining on Aemond, who sat in the chair behind Eli, "Elinor."

Aemond's voice was filled with sadness and tears prickled his eye. When Eli turned to face him she gasped and placed a hand over her mouth.

Aemond had lost an eye.

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