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I washed my face after sobbing for half of the lesson, I put my hair in a braid and went back to my lesson, I sat beside Rigel and layed my head down, why does this happen only to me? I feel so stupid and so mad "what's wrong?" Rigel asked tapping lightly my back "nothing" I said trying to keep the conversation as short as possible since I didn't want to talk.
"You look like you were crying" he said "what happened" "Rigel I said I'm fine stop it" I said and started taking notes from class.


It was eight pm and I finished taking a shower, I changed into pijamas and brushed my hair, I laid in bed and thought about everything, I feel so stupid and sad, I wish I didn't feel like this, I wish I could just stop feeling emotions. Tears started running down my cheeks and it turned into sobs, the room was silent and it was dark until I heard the door creak open, I tried to stay silent as much as I could so it wouldn't sound like I was crying "who is it?" I said "what's wrong with you" Rigel said and I felt the bed sink, "I'm just a little worried about something, it's none of your concern" I said.

" Norah I could hear you sobbing from my room" he said, I couldn't see him but I could feel his cold gaze on me "who did this to you?", he said feeling my face gently with his hand and wiping my tears away "Rigel stop it" I said pushing his hand away "if you don't tell me I will find out and I can't even count the amount of things I would do to the person" he said "fine you wanna fucking hear it!?, I got cheated on okay?! With my own best friend! And I'm fucking sad about it because everything was a lie!" I said choking on my words, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and back, holding my head and comforting me.

"It's fine I promise he won't get away with it" he said "what do you mean by that?" I asked but he didn't answer, "is everything okay in here" Adriana said turning on the lights revealing me and Rigel hugging while I was sobbing "oh my gosh what happened is she okay?" she asked and sat beside me. She placed her hand on my back and rubbed it up and down "did something happen in school?" she asked Rigel "just wait till she feels better so she can tell you herself" he said with his hand around my waist still, not letting me go and comforting me.

"Do you need anything, tissues? blankets?" she said, I lifted my head from Rigel's chest "no thank you" I said "okay just call me when you need something" she said and left "I feel like a toy, something you can use and just throw it away when you're bored" I said and wiped my tears away.

Reflections  Rigel WildeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora