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"Ok so our first class is Italian" he said while we walked around the halls searching for the classroom " but you already know Italian" I said "yeah but my parents want me to be in Italian, it's not about the language, it's mostly about how you write and read, and I haven't written in Italian for so long so I need it" he said.

He opened the door for me and we entered the classroom "class this is Norah Russo our new student, welcome Norah, do you have a person that can help you?" He asked "oh yeah uhm Rigel" I said pointing at him with my thumb "oh okay well you guys can sit in those two desks over there, anything else you need Norah, any question?" He asked "no.. no thank you" I said sitting down beside Rigel "do you know Italian?" Rigel asked "yeah a lot of it but not full Italian" I said "Norah you're Italian and you don't even know how to speak your main language" he said scoffing "you're Italian and you don't know how to write your main language, shut the fuck up I don't want to get in trouble" I said "oh little miss perfect doesn't want to get in trouble now" he said.

"You're such a dick" I said scooting away from him.


"Ok class so to practice our Italian we're gonna be doing conversation with our partner beside your desk, please nothing inappropriate or rude just practice your Italian , you have fifteen minutes starting now" he said "Ti odio così tanto"(I hate you so much) Rigel said "Pensavo di aver sentito l'insegnante dire chiaramente di parlare normalmente non un linguaggio idiota" ( I thought I heard the teacher clearly said to talk normal not idiot language) I said "just shut the fuck up your voice stresses me out" he said "Italiano per favore non riesco ancora a capire la lingua idiota" (Italian please I still can't understand idiot language" I said, "say that one more time" he said  "oh you don't understand it, I said I don't understand your idiot language" I said but before he could say anything the teacher interrupted us.

"Hey guys is there a problem do we need to separate you two?" he asked "no sir sorry" I said sitting back straight and clearing my throat, "sorry sir I'm late I was in the office" Taylor said entering the classroom "okay Taylor you can have a seat" the teacher said.

Reflections  Rigel Wildeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن