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I was brought to a room and immediately they injected me numbing liquid making me cry, "it's okay your good" he said "please let me inside I need to be with her please" Rigel said begging to the nurse to let him in "I'm sorry young man we can't do that, you can make our patient nervous and it can make it worse" she said "I promise all she needs is comfort, if I comfort her she will stay strong and still" he said.

" Just sit beside her over there" the nurse said pointing to the chair beside me "thank you so much miss thank you" he said sitting beside me "how do you feel" he said worriedly "I just feel a little pain and a little dizzy" I said smiling weakly "you lost a lot of blood so that's why you feel like that. But it's okay you're just in time, if you lost anymore blood you could've died" he said "also Rigel right? Good job on staying with her and comforting her, some people come in here alone and it's pretty complicated" he told Rigel "yes thank you" he said "we just have to take a look, it was pretty damn deep and maybe the wolf had rabies" he told the nurse.

"Just in case let's inject her so if the wolf had rabies it doesn't infect her" the nurse said "no no please I don't want anymore injections please" I said my eyes watering again after they dried "hey look at me have numbing liquid in your system it's not gonna hurt that much okay, I'm here" he said "ok so Norah we're gonna have to inject you to prevent rabies okay, it's gonna sting but it won't hurt that bad because you have numbing liquid" he said.

I didn't know what to do because of the nerves so I just grabbed Rigel's hand and squeezed it "ok we're gonna inject you now" he said and when he lifted the needle, it was really sharp and long that it made me more dizzy "I can't do it I can't" I said struggling to breathe "just look at me Norah, break my hand if you want to" he said and then I felt the sting "yeah I definitely feel it" I said wincing and squishing my eyes closed "almost done you're doing so good" he said squishing my hand for comfort.

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