Shadows behind the light

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I was looking at my bruises and gently caressing them wincing slightly, the door slammed open revealing the disappointment face of my mother "well what are you waiting for young lady! You have to go outside for a walk and pick up the prettiest flowers you find! Come on out" she said with both of her hands on her waist "oh I'm so sorry mother il do that right away" I said sprinting out of the room "no running in the house!" She said and I slowed my pace. I grabbed my favorite pair of shoes and walked around our garden.

I loved to pick flowers up, this would be always my favorite thing to do in the day, after this I had to learn Italian with her, she always forced me to learn and I'm pretty good at it but not enough, I also know Spanish because we have family from Spain, mother says I have other learn both of the languages because if family comes I need to know how to talk to them.

After a long walk I came back home with a basket full of flowers "mother I picked the flowers you asked for" I said taking of my shoes "ok let me see them" she said grabbing the basket and looking at them "roses, daisies, tulips, baby's breath, pretty good but u can do better next time, it's 7:00 pm I will have our maids give you a bath and u can go to bed" she said "ok I appreciate it mother" I said, I hated baths, not because I'm disgusting, but because maids had to clean me, they would touch my body and I know they're woman's but shouldn't that be wrong, it's 2024 not 1978 for gods sake.

My dad, he was sick, he's been sick for a couple months now, he was the only nice parent, he would give me candy when my mother would be at work, he would let me watch movies past my bedtime when my mom had work trips, he was the best and I would've devastated if something happened to him .

The movies I would hate most is romance movies, they're all about hopeless girls, finding their true love, all that cringy stuff that everybody apparently loves, I just hate the idea of loving a boy my age, the only man I love is my dad and will never change my mind on that.

"Norah your bath is ready darling" Gracie the maid said coming inside my room "thank you Gracie" I said smiling, she was one of my favorite maids and I loved to talk to her. I sat on the bathtub while two maids washed my arms and another one washed my hair gently "so do you have a boyfriend yet?" She asked "no and I'm not interested in looking for somebody" I said "but darling you need to marry, u can marry an Italian man and have children with him, wouldn't it be so adorable to have clones of you?" Another one asked "no I said I'm not looking for nobody" I said annoyed "girls leave her alone" Gracie said understanding me.

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