Chapter 18

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We were on our way to Camp Serenity. On the left of the coach, there were three seaters and on the right there were two seaters. I was sat next to Skylor and Pix. Pix had the window seat, Sky was sat in the middle and I was sat at the end. Nya and Jay took the seats next to us with Nya having the window seat. And finally, Cole and Zane were sat behind them, Cole having the window seat.

We were 2 hours into our journey. While Paige enjoyed the countryside view, Sky was resting her head on my shoulder while I was scrolling through TikTok. I glanced to the right of me and noticed that Nya giving Jay one of her airpods for them to listen to music together before Nya leaned her head on Jay's shoulder. Jay put his arm around her and placed his head on hers. I smiled at the sight of them.

I turned around and saw Cole and Zane having a laugh. I looked further ahead of the bus and made eye contact with Griffin who rolled his eyes at me. I sunk back in my seat.

"You okay?" Skylor asked.

"Yeah, why?" I responded.

"You felt warmer..." she stated, sitting up. I glanced at Griffin who was talking to Morro again. "What's wrong?"

My chest tightened. "I don't know..." 

Paige directed her attention towards me. "Yeah, you don't look fine... Do you have travel sickness or something? You look pale..."

"Do I?" I chuckled nervously. "I don't have travel sickness..."

"Guys, if you could listen up for a moment. We are taking a toilet break so that you guys can stretch your legs and have a small lunch at the next service station," Mr Wu announced.

After just a few minutes we pulled over to a service station and we all got off the coach.

"We will have an hour lunch so we'll meet here at 10:30," Mr Wu explained.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" Zane asked.

"I don't mind," Nya replied.

"Neither, really... Should we just go to Chopstix?" Jay asked.

Everyone nodded and we headed inside. There were many food choices available. I still felt a bit weird. Nya looked at me and frowned, "Kai, you good?" I nodded as we found a seat at Chopstix. "Maybe you stay here and I'll order for you. What do you want?"

"I'll just have the same as you..." I grumbled. While the others were ordering their food, I looked in the distance and noticed Morro and Griffin head to Greggs. My chest tightened again and I started feeling ill. Zane ordered first and joined me, followed by Jay.

"Woah, mate, you don't look too good," Jay commented.

Zane stood up, "Do you need to go to the toilets?"

I nodded and I stood up, stumbling slightly. Zane quickly grabbed my arm to support me as he helped me to the men's toilets. I leaned over the toilets and started vomiting.


As soon as Zane and Kai left, Nya came and sat next to me. "Where's Kai and Zane?" she asked.

"Kai looked really ill so Zane took him to the toilets..." I explained.

"Well I guess he won't be eating this..." she said, placing Kai's noodles where Kai was sat moments ago. "I don't know why he looked so pale... It can't be travel sickness... He never had it."

Cole sat down at the table along with Paige and Sky. "Where are the others?"

"Toilets. Kai's ill," I said. We all started eating our food and Paige was texting her dad to let him know where she was since it was her first time this far from him. She didn't seem too homesick though.

I noticed Zane run back towards us. He reached into his backpack and grabbed his wallet.

"Is Kai okay?" Nya asked.

"Not really. He won't stop vomiting. I don't know why. I'm quickly getting some water for him." With that, Zane ran off to the WHSmith and bought a large bottle of water and ran back to the toilets.

"I don't remember the last time he vomited this badly..." Nya sighed, "This never happened before..."

"Did he eat something that could've caused this?" Cole asked.

Nya shook her head. "We did run out of the house in a rush. Maybe it's because he didn't eat?"

"I gave him my chicken sandwich. Is he allergic to that?"

"He doesn't have any allergies though..." Nya thought for a moment. "Actually... This did happen once in like year 7. He was stressing over homework for a nasty teacher."

"Oh yeah! You told us that," Cole commented.

"Anxiety?" Paige suggested.


Soon, Kai and Zane walked out of the toilets. Kai seemed perfectly fine. He wasn't pale anymore or anything.

"Kai!" Nya exclaimed. "What happened??"

"I don't know... I looked over there and just..." He pointed towards Greggs. We all raised an eyebrow. Kai sat opposite of where he originally sat, facing away from Greggs. Everyone turned their gaze to Greggs where Morro and Griffin were sat.

"Morro and Griffin?" Zane asked. Kai nodded in response and started eating his noodles.

"This never happened to me before. It's so weird..." Kai stated. "I've never felt more threatened by them in my life..."

Soon enough we were back on the coach and after another two-hour journey we finally reached the absolutely breathtaking coast of Ninjago. The ocean was a beautiful shade of blue and the sky was practically cloudless and cherry blossom trees were scattered all over the place. It was like paradise.

Scratch that, this camp is even more beautiful! The trees, the lakes, the mini waterfalls... Our accommodation was this monastery with a mahogany interior (getting that DT recap in) and green and gold accents all over. Me, Cole, Kai and Zane had a room on the first floor at the end of the corridor and the girls were on the second floor on the other side of the corridor.

I feel like this week is gonna be one of the best weeks of my life!

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