Chapter 7

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Bruv this girl will not leave me the fuck alone!

Listen, she's fit and all but her personality is so shit!

She's clingy, rude, a manipulator, a CHAV (a MASSIVE red flag), and worst of all, A SPOILED ATTENTION SEEKER!

Look, I mess about in class but this year doesn't even matter that much and I'm just tryna have fun, not be an attention seeker like SHE is.

Harumi fucking Jade. She ruined some dudes life because he told her to piss of from other people which I don't blame him for. I know that she was the one who put the drugs in his bag because I watched her do it. 

I tell her that it's not my problem and that I couldn't care less about what she's doing and she threatened that if I snitch on her, she's gonna torment me the same way she did to Cole.

I value my life, thank you very much. I don't want to be caught with cocaine in my own school bag. Sure, I can snitch on her any moment about all the vapes she carries around and she knows that I know and because she's so spoiled, the world evolves around her and I can do nothing about it!

I feel bad about not telling anyone but I'm scared of her. I'm fucking pathetic, I know.

And the worst part of all of this is that she has a crush on me...? And she's in all of my classes apart from the core subjects which I'm THANKFUL for (I'm in the higher sets than her). But the rest of our classes are in our form classes and she's in my form so it doesn't help.

I noticed her batting her eyelashes whenever she comes over to me and playing with her hair and blushing and everything.

It makes me cringe. 

Like get your cakey arse makeup out of my face I BEG.

Anyway, I was out with Brad on Friday afternoon and noticed that Cole dude speed walking with a backpack on. He was in a black tracksuit with orange details. He had bruises on him and stuff...

I was really concerned. I don't even think he knows who I am but I feel empathetic towards him.

Man, I have to do something.

Apparently I didn't say that in my head-

"Are you talking about that freak?" Brad asked.

"Huh? Don't be an arsehole. Imagine being in his situation. Did you see those bruises on his face?"

"Not my problem and it shouldn't be yours either." I watched someone wave out of a car window. It was Zane, Kai's mate. Cole got into Zane's car and hey drove off.

Since when is Zane friends with Cole?


I barely know Zane, but it feels like we've been friends since forever! offense to Jay, but I feel like I bonded with Zane better than with anyone I've ever met. I felt so much better around him. I mean, sure, Jay makes me feel better with his jokes as a friend but I feel different towards Zane.

Now that I've spent a decent amount of time with him, I know that I like him... more than a friend.

But I think it's too early to confess... Should I give him subtle hints? How?

"Hey, Zane, can I ask you something?"

"I mean, you did cry on my shoulder while explaining your whole life story to me so really, you can ask me anything," he let out a warm smile, looked out of the window and gasped. He jolted out of bed, popped his slippers on. He grabbed my arm and I struggled to put my own slippers on as he dragged me outside.

Ninjago Secondary School - A British Ninjago Story (Ninjago AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora