Chapter 17

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End of the week my arse!!

They were back in school the next DAY because apparently there wasn't "enough proof" to show that they're guilty.

Yes there fucking is.

The only thing they did was shoot dirty looks at me so I guess I'm safe for now. The main thing keeping me distracted is this residential trip I'm going on next week. It turns out all of us are going and we are choosing the people we're sharing rooms with after school. I'm super excited. We're going to this little camp thing called "Camp Serenity" which is apparently really beautiful. It's organised by Mr Wu who is by far my favourite teacher.

We paid for the trip last year before the whole incident towards the end of year 9 and they didn't let my dad have a refund so good for me! We are staying there from Monday to Saturday. I'm so excited!

Anyway, back to reality. 

It's Friday. I decided to visit Lloyd after choosing who to share a room with; I'm gonna be sharing a room with Kai, Jay and Zane. I try to visit Lloyd at least once or week. I came to the hospital room and saw someone there. It wasn't his parents though...

It was Brad. He looked up at me and furrowed his brows. "What are you doing here?" he grumbled.


"Why? Since when are you friends?"

"We're not. I come here because I'm worried. I'm grateful that he saved my life..."

Brad looked away and muttered, "It should've been you..."

I sighed, "You're right. It should've been me. But I didn't choose for this to happen. I'm sorry that this happened."

"You better be," he snapped as he stormed out of the hospital. I sighed and looked at Lloyd.

"I don't know what else to say apart from sorry... Do you think he'll forgive me?" I paused as if waiting for a reply but quickly realised that I wasn't gonna get one. "Anyway, Harumi, Morro and Griffin were bailed out of jail... I don't know what you think about that but I'm absolutely pissed... This wouldn't have happened to you if not them..." I sighed, "Either way, I guess I'll see you later..." I left the hospital and went home to get stuff ready for next week.


"Do you think we need sunscreen??"

"Probably, it's supposed to be boiling all week!" I replied to my brother as I was turning on my laptop to pull up the list of things we need to bring to the trip.

It's Monday morning. It's five o'clock in the fucking morning and we completely forgot that we're going on this trip. We're supposed to be at school at 6:30 because this "Camp Serenity" place is hours away. We've been running up and down and shouting across the house for ten minutes now.

"I got the list up, Kai!!" He ran over to my room and peered over my shoulder. "'Clothes'. No shit. 'Towel, flip flops or slippers, swimming costume, water bottle, phone and phone charger, sunscreen, a pair of shoes you don't mind getting dirty, a jumper or coat for evenings, sun hat, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and other cosmetics and money'" I read out.

"Where even is this camp?" Kai asked.

"Fuck knows..." I opened google maps and typed in 'Camp Serenity'. "Oh! It's by the coast!" 

"Okay, let's get packing!" Kai clapped his hands together as he was about to leave the room. "Where even are the suitcases?"

"Uh... Garage??"

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