Chapter 6

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I was hanging out with Pix and Jay at mine. I was surprised to see that Kai wasn't going out with Zane anywhere. They're like best friends.

"Hey, Kai, do you wanna play Uno with us?" I asked. 

"Huh? Uh... Sure, I've got nothing else to do anyway..." He sat closer to the coffee table and we shuffled the deck. "Where's Cole? He usually comes by..."

"I don't know, we didn't see him since lunch and he isn't answering our texts. Why aren't you out with Zane? You usually hang out with him somewhere."

"I didn't see Zane since after break and he's not answering my texts either. He's been a bit distant lately, I don't know what's going on. I'm a bit worried."

I shrugged as I handed out the cards. 

"I'm worried about Cole. He's not usually this distant with us. Even if he's grounded he sneaks out," Jay stated.

Pix placed her card, "I didn't even get to know him properly. I guess that whole drug situation really hurts him. I cant imagine what that feels like..."

"Shit," Kai said. I thought it was because of the 'take two cards' card but he froze and his eyes widened. "I just realised something..."

"What?" We all asked.

"I saw Cole like really briefly when we were leaving school... I think he had a black eye..."

"Why didn't you tell us earlier??" I yelled.

"Look, that's not all. Griffin and Morro had a few bruises too. I think they got into a fight..."

"AND YOU'RE TELLING US NOW?" I shouted. I got up and put my shoes on, "Come on, then!"

We all got ready and went to Cole's house to check up on him. Something DEFINITELY went down with his dad if a fight did happen. Jay knocked on the door and Mr Brookstone opened the door. "Cole's grounded."

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He just got into a fight, that's all."

"Can we see him real quick? It's about, uh..." Jay paused, trying to think of an excuse.

He sighed and turned around, "Cole! Your friends are here!!" 

There was not reply.

"Cole!" he shouted again. He went upstairs and we waited at the front door, looking at each other with concern. He came downstairs looking angrier than he did moments ago. "He's not here."

"What?" Even Kai was concerned. Since when did he care about Cole so much?

"Don't worry, Mr Brookstone, we'll find him and bring him right back!" Jay exclaimed.

He sighed, "Thank you."

We were about to leave when he asked us for a favour, "Wait! When you see him..." he took a deep breath, "Please tell him that I'm really sorry. I-I've been horrible to him lately, if something ever happened to him, I don't think I'd ever forgive myself... I don't think Lilly would forgive me either..."

We looked at each other before looking back at Mr Brookstone. We all nodded, "We will."

We started searching any possible places he could be.


After an hour or so, me and Cole finally reached the top of the stairs. We both collapsed on the floor and laid on our backs, catching our breath. I started laughing for no reason but it felt like the right time to do so. Cole started laughing with me and now we were both having a random laughing fit on the cobblestone.

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