Courses ||polin

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So idk what this is it was originally written as a miscarriage idk if you guys would prefer that I can rewrite it as a miscarriage if you guys want
"Ah there you are"
"I thought I would let you sleep in"
"Thank you you are a goddess"
Colin kissed pen's head.
"morning dearest"
"good morning"
"have you eaten"
"no I thought we should break our fast together"
"Good I'm starving"
"You are always hungry Colin"
"You know me very well Mrs Bridgerton"
He took her arm and they walked out of the morning room to the breakfast room
Colin spread an enormous amount of jam on his toast and bit into it
"How did you sleep my love?"
"Well and you?"
"Quite well"
"I thought we could visit Fran this summer"
"Oh that would be lovely col"
"I assumed you would think so"
"We haven't seen dear Fran in adages"
"Yes I thought the children could get reacquainted"he popped the rest of the toast in his mouth
"Have your courses come?"
"It was supposed to be nearly a fortnight ago"
The two enjoyed their meal and went to the morning room.
Colin sat on a the couch reading his book pen was sitting at the desk in the corner writing a chapter of her book.
Pen made a noise making Colin look up "pen?"
She doubled over, nearly hitting her head on the table he stood up knocking the chair over in the process he ran to her side.
"breathe pen breathe"
"Something's wrong" pen gasped out tightening her grip on Colin's hand
"What's wrong"
Pen reached under her dress struggling to pull up the layers Colin knelt to the ground
"Can I?"
He lifted her dress as pen pulled her hand out Colin Turned white as he stared at her hand
They both knew what that meant
"My courses"
And then Penelope let out a terrible sob it was filled with anguish and sadness
Colin hugged her tightly, not caring about the blood now on his shirt. Pen sobbed into his shoulder "I'm sorry pen I'm so so so sorry" pen cried harder into him collapsing to the ground.
"It's alright shhh I have you"Colin sunk down with her
"What are we to do col" pen cried into him
"I don't know darling" he kissed her head
"We could Adore our three children" he choked out trying not to cry
"But your mama she will be so disappointed"
"She had plenty of grandchildren already"
"You're not mad at me?"
Colin looked down at her "pen why would I ever be be mad at you this was out of your control"
"I don't deserve you Colin"
"You do! you deserve everything good in your life"
"We have three who we already love pen"
Colin wiped the tears from her eyes. Mrs Wilson rushed in hearing pens sobs "Mr Bridgerton" Colin turned revealing pen and the puddle of blood beside her "my lady!" Pen sobbed harder into Colin's lap "there's so much blood"Colin said holding back his own tears  "it's alright" Mrs Wilson said "Amelia, Anna go get towels for my mistress" the two girls ran out of the room "I will call for the doctor"
Colin knocked on the door of his bedchamber "come in Col"
He entered pen was curled up in a ball at the end of the bed
Pen looked up and immediately burst into tears Colin sat down next to her and she curled up in his lap "I should have known I shouldn't have hoped" pen whispered as Colin kissed her head "pen we will try again" "did you get cleaned up?" "I took a bath" "that's good" "I ate" "I'm glad" he wiped the tears from her face
"It's not your fault"
"I should have known I would have felt something by now"
"Pen it was completely out of your control"
"Colin the chances of having another are very small"
"I know pen I know"
Colin wanted to cry but he had to be strong for his wife
"Colin" pen glanced up at him
"You can cry"
"Pen I will be strong for you"
"Colin" pen placed her hand on his cheek she rubbed her finger against his cheek "you can cry"
And Colin did he rested his head on pens and let the tears fall the two lay together crying in each others arms.

Bridgetron one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang