Dining (mainly kanthony but everyone)

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They all sat around the dining table Simon sat on one end Anthony on the other the serves brought out the food and they all began eating "Eloise stopped tossing peas at me!"Hyacinth yelped "I'm not doing it" Eloise said "hyacinth you are three and thirty with several children act like it"Violet said looking over "it wasn't me mama" hyacinth said Lucy turned to Gregory "This baby is digging into my ribs it was never like this with the others " "do you wish to retire upstairs?" "No we all know what that would lead to"Lucy said shifting uncomfortably while putting roast beef on her plate "What in the heavens are you two discussing? Benedict said shoving asparagus in his mouth "that is not your concern brother talk to your wife" Gregory said Anthony squeezed Kate's hand "we are all very surprised you have one" hyacinth said "we are all surprised you have a husband as well" Violet said which made everyone laugh "i am quite difficult am I not?" "Oh yes you certainly are"Gareth said laughing hyacinth hit him as Colin poured gravy on pen's beef and on his own as well "oh Colin"Colin looked over at his brother in law "I just finished an Englishman in Scotland i cannot wait to read more Simon said as he picked several asparagus from the platter Colin beamed with happiness and glanced at Penelope who beamed back at him "oh pen your auto biography was quite splendid!!" Kate said chopping her beef into sections "oh do you think so?" Pen said "oh Penelope it was wonderful" Benedict said and sophie nodded Penelope smiled happily and Colin squeezed her hand under the table "see they all think you are wonderful just like I do" Colin whispered at the other end of the table Anthony had his hand on Kate's thigh as they ate his hand slowly going further up her dress "Anthony can you not wait a couple more hours?" Kate hissed at him he wined impatiently and Continued to eat his potato "mama!" Charlotte rushed into Kate's arms "oh sweetie what is the matter?" Kate lifted charlotte onto her lap Charlotte sobbed into Kate's arms her lady's maid came running In "I'm so sorry my lady she had a nightmare I tried to calm her but-" "it's alright shhh mamas here I've got you, was it the rabbit again?" Charlotte nodded and Kate looked at Anthony "it's alright the rabbit Cannot harm you" I will take her up to bed Anthony said standing up he took Charlotte from Kate's arms after Kate had kissed her head and hugged her tightly "go with papa he will tuck you in and read you a story alright?" Charlotte nodded and Anthony bent down kissing his wife several times "thank you" Kate whispered "of course my love"Anthony carried char out of the room Kate could hear her giggles as they walked away Kate smiled softly to herself and turned everyone was watching her "what?" "Rabbit?" Eloise asked as Phillip bit a piece of his beef "from the book Anthony read her it was quite creepy actually she hates it now" "ah Charles is terrified of insects" Sophie said and Benedict nodded sipping his drink "Amelia is terrified of the dark"Daphne said "I have no idea how it came about" they all began discussing their children's fears as Anthony walked back in three stories to get that child to sleep Kate laughed as the servants brought out the dessert a chocolate mouse with whipped cream on top with a layer of vanilla pudding in the center they enjoyed the rest of their evening chatting and eating enjoying each others company.

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