Agatha bridgerton||polin

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                                   •*• birth•*•
Penelope awoke in the middle of the night to find find pain ripping through her body she looked down the sheets were wet and so was her night gown she shook Colin awake.
"pen? Are you alright?"
He looked up groggily and noticed the soddened sheets."Colin the baby"
"oh pen what can I do"
"call the doctor-"Penelope screamed in agony as more pain ripped through her body colin jumped out of bed and pulled on trousers and a shirt as he was wearing nothing Penelope also struggled hard to her feet, groaning and gripping the bedpost as another burst of pain gripped her body. It broke Colin seeing her in so much pain "Doctor now Colin!"
"Right" he sprinted out of the room rang for the docter,Penelope's ladies maid and his own mother and Penelope's mother Colin ran back to her side holding one of her hands as she gripped the bedpost so hard with the other her knuckles turned white. The doctor arrived his mother following behind with pen's maid.
"Penelope its going to be alright" Violet said brushing pen's sweaty hair out of her face.
"Let's calculate how often you get burns." The doctor stated calmly, pulling out a pocket watch and humming each time Penelope screamed in agony. "It's not time yet, you can stand up if you feel more comfortable. He then took a stethoscope out of his bag and began examining her belly.
"I...I can't move...No one told me it would hurt this much..." Penelope sobbed and clung to the bedpost Violet was watching Colin his eyes were on Penelope pure saddens in his eyes to see her in so much pain
"Colin I can't do it"
"pen you can do this" Colin said taking pen's sweaty hand in his
"Penelope I love you so much, you are doing so well sweetheart" Portia rushed in and ran to Penelope's side.
"mama!" Penelope sighed with relief seeing her mother.
"how is she?"
"She's losing blood" Violet said
"we need to move you so I can see what I am doing" the doctor said.
"Colin help me" Portia said taking her daughters hand they lifted pen down Penelope moaned in agony again as she had been propped up against the headboard the doctor brought her white sheet over her bent bare legs.Penelope screamed in torment and squeezed Colin's hand so hard he was sure he could hear the bones crunching inside.
"You have to push now, Lady Bridgerton, and stop when I tell you to." The doctor explained it.
"I can't do this, I can't do this..."pen panicked and Portia grabbed her other hand, just as another wave of pain ripped through her body and she gave an anguished moan.
"Yes, you can, my love. You are one of the strongest women I know you most certainly can do this."Colin smiled softly,Penelope was too focused on her own body and the doctor's orders about when to push and when not to.
"I can't..." She cried again, just as the doctor had told her to stop.
"You are doing it very well". The doctor assured him. "Alright, press again." He urged and her nails dug into Colin's and Portia's hands again.
Colin looked at the doctor a worried expression on his face.
"I can see the head push again" Penelope screamed again as she pushed then the room filled with the baby's cry's the nurse wrapped the baby in a cloth handed him Violet who smiled and held the baby in her arms and Colin looked at Penelope who motioned Colin forward and he rushed to the baby
Penelope rested against the head board exhausted Portia pushed the sweaty hair out of her face.
"oh Penelope you did so well"Colin held their son in his arms.
"Penelope he is beautiful" Violet said Colin held him in his arms and kissed his head
"what is her name?"Violet asked Colin knelt by the bed kissing pens head.
"Agatha" Violet smiled
"that's a wonderful name Agatha Bridgerton" "after lady Danbury" pen whispered Colin kissed Penelope softly
"you did so well sweetheart" he looked down on his daughters  wrinkled little face. He thought he had known what love was before, having felt it towards both his family and Penelope but this was something more, something huge. He slowly sat down next to pen. Tears of joy ran from her eyes, as he carefully placed the small package in his wife's arms, cautiously re-empathizing the child's small head.. She then broke into a deep, intense sob as all the relief and now all the emotions caused by her son clinging to her stressed body. She held the child tightly in her arms, looking in amazement at her little nose, her little closed eyes,her little fingers, and her tiny mouth. Penelope rested her head against Colin's shoulder and Colin wrapped his arms around her and their son. Colin looked at his little miracle and rested his head against Penelope's. "You've done a great job, my love..." He breathed out and kissed her damp hair, while penelope wiped her eyes with the back of her hand."he has your eyes" She smiled Violet made a noise that made the both of them look up
"I do not wish to disturb you, but the rest of your siblings are awake, and are quite anxious to meet their nephew and see that Penelope is well." She announced with a soft smile."Oh, of course"Colin said looking at pen who smilingly agreed with a nod. Go on I'll wait for you right here."We'll be right back"Colin smiled and planted a kiss on her forehead, then ignoring his mother and everyone else in the room kissed Penelope on the lips the kiss started off softly but grew more passionate Penelope could feel the smile spreading across his face as she kissed him his fingers trailed up her neck into her hair she moaned as he nibbled the bottom of her lip Penelope broke away and colin smiled.
"I love you Penelope bridgerton"
"I love you too."Colin slowly and carefully got out of bed with his son in his arms. Violet opened the door for him, revealing the entire bridgerton family extremely excited behind it.
"My God, it's so small...!" Francesca exhaled as she hurried over to Colin and looked at the baby. "Look at that little nose, that little mouth and those little fingers Gregory, Anthony and Benedict also approached while Eloise stood further away with a worried look in her eyes.
"Is Penelope okay...?" She asked in a silent voice."Yes, she is quite well. Very tired, but happy and well."Colin said  "Come, Eloise." Daphne motioned for Eloise to stand with her so she could see better Simon had his arms wrapped around Daphne Kate squeezed Eloise's hand "May I introduce you to your niece, Lord Agatha bridgerton Phillipa arrived with her husband prudence following behind.

Colin handed Thomas to Violet who was immediately swarmed by the siblings and family members Penelope lay sleepily on the bed "ah Mr bridgerton"the doctor said "your wife is perfectly fine she just needs rest call me if there are any problems"he left the room and colin knelt but pen's side "are you alright my love?" "Im okay Colin" "your so brave my love, your so strong, and beautiful, you are truly magnificent he lifted her head and kissed her softly "come up here" pen said desperately and he sat up on the bed he kissed her again it was a long passionate kiss his Tounge waited at the entrance to her lips she moaned opening her mouth as his tongue slipped in her hand slipped up his shirt across his toned chest his hand slid across her face and he pressed his thumb just above her chin Penelope parted her lips under his and Colin whimpered at the first stroke of her Tongue his hand flexing her waist pulling her closer to him gripping Penelope tighter as he sunk into the kiss her hand went up into his hair Penelope broke away "Colin I'm all sweaty and a mess" "pen your my mess and I love you no matter what you look like" their lips clashed again Colin moaned softly as Penelope bit his lip Colin's finger stroking her neck Colin gasped as Penelope kissed his lips softly Benedict snorted and they both looked up Eloise had her head on Benedict's shoulder Gregory and hyacinth blocking their eyes Daphne and Simon laughing softly to themselves Kate and Anthony smiling knowing full well they acted like that violet holding Agatha not looking up from her granddaughter"El"pen said as Eloise rushed to her side hugging her dearest Friend "are you alright?" "I'm perfectly well I have Colin to take care of me" Colin held pens hand "Penelope is exhausted you can all see her again tomorrow she must get some rest"everyone walked out of the room Violet handed Agatha to Colin good night my dears she left the room and Colin followed her walking down the hallway to the nursery and placed a sleeping Agatha in her crib he walked back to Penelope who was slowly drifting of to sleep in their bed Colin stripped off his trousers and shirt and joined pen in bed he kissed her head softly and she turned slowly still in a great deal of pain "good night my love I'm so proud of you" Colin whispered "I love you Colin I have always loved you" "I love you too".

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