Thunder storms ||kanthony

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This takes place before the birth of kanthony's youngest daughter and child Mary
Anthony lay on the sofa reading his younger brother's latest book an Englishman in whales the rain pounding on the windows as the storm raged outside "Anthony?" Kate said walking in to their bedchamber Anthony looked up Kate was wearing her nightgown she was heavily pregnant and her hair let loose From its normal updo.
"my viscountess you look stunning as always" Anthony whispered Kate smiled the thunder clapped and Kate shuddered
"it's alright dearest come here"
Anthony wrapped his arms around Kate as she sat down They both looked over as someone knocked on the door
"come in"Anthony said their son appeared in the door way.
"miles? Are you alright?"Anthony asked, miles nodded then shook his head.
"what is the matter?" Anthony asked.
"the thunder papa,it is quite scary"
"I know it is scary but it cannot harm you" Anthony said Kate motioned for miles to come to them and he did curling up in Kate's lap as she ran her fingers through his hair "I'm afraid of the thunder too" kate whispered
"but I have your papa here to help me and you have us do you not?
Miles nodded the thunder clapped again and Kate shuddered and miles curled closer to Kate Charlotte rushed in and stood in the door way Anthony smiled at her
"you're not afraid of the thunderstorm are you? Charlotte shook her head but ran into his arms as the lighting illuminated the windows he hugged her tightly.
"where is Edmund?"
"Boys are brave" Charlotte said
"he's asleep he's not scared" miles added the thunder clapped and Edmund ran in he spotted his family all curled together on the sofa "oh really" Kate said miles looked up and smiled to himself as he spotted Edmund who jumped onto  Kate's lap miles scooted over to make room for Edmund "why is the lighting so frightening papa?Char asked curling closer to Anthony who kissed her head
"well the lightning says something to the thunder and the thunder answers back" Anthony said "but why is it so angry?" Charlotte asked "it makes me want to cry" Miles said hugging Anthony tighter.
"alright everyone up here on the bed"
Kate picked miles up from Anthony's arms and carried him to the bed Kate's legs draped over the side of the bed straddling miles in her lap as char clung to Anthony. Edmund rushed after Kate trying his best not to look afraid Edmund being the respectful 15 year old that he apparently was sat respectfully down on the bed only for his 8 year old sister to jump into his lap. miles being 13   Still clung to his mother in fright Anthony took Miles from Kate as Kate lifted back the sheets she got in slowly struggling with her massive belly Anthony got in on the other side and help Kate under the covers Charlotte lept of Edmund and crawled over to Kate.Edmund crawled in miles followed soon after Kate lay across Anthony's chest Edmund lay beside Anthony,charlottes head resting on Kate's pregnant belly miles's had his arms wrapped around his younger sister Kate put char's hand to Kate's belly.
"can you feel it kicking?"
"Oh yes!"
A smile spread across charlottes little face
"that's your little sister or brother?"
"I do hope it's a sister"miles said
the thunder clapped again but no one seemed to notice.
"we must think of names should we not?"
"Oh yes!" Edmund said the three children began discussing the names of their soon to be sibling Anthony kissed Kate softly "how are you feeling?" He whispered "much improved" Kate whispered back.
"thank you for taking care of me"
"I will always take care of you kathani"
Anthony kissed her again while their children talked with one another forgetting about the storm raging outside.
"I love you Anthony" Kate whispered as she shut her eyes
"I love you too Kate"
Edmund looked up at his parents his mother had her eyes closed her hands on her belly his father's head on his mother's head whispering something to her that Edmund couldn't hear over his younger siblings voices he knew his parents were deeply in love though they argued over the most foolish stuff normally his mother being right Edmund knew they would always be together as long as the lived And he was certainly glad for that.
The storm calmed down but the Bridgerton family didn't seem to notice.miles had fallen asleep leaning against his older brother ,char had fallen asleep on Kate's belly, Kate asleep on Anthony's shoulder, Anthony sleeping with his head on Kate's head, Edmund asleep next to his father they all slept peacefully for the rest of the night .

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